Archive for Pug
February 18, 2007 at 5:45 pm · Show more about: Pug
Last night we went to get a quick bite to eat. About 10 minutes after we got back home, Tricia noticed a FOURTH dog in the house. Now, we’ve got a gated yard, so how a dog got into the yard, let alone inside the HOUSE we have no idea.
So, we talked to some neighbors, and nobody knew this dog. We walked around with him, and nobody was outside looking for their dog. The numbers on the tag didn’t work, and the address was very far away from our house. — we were really puzzled at how this dog made it into our house. Eventually, the rabies tag data service called us back and gave us a phone number that *did* work.
Here’s the weird part. In grade school, Tricia lined up alphabetically with her classmates. The owner of the dog was the person whose name was right next to hers. This person has a new last name now, so it wasn’t recognizable, and, well, we didn’t know she lived around the corner anyway, so it wouldn’t have helped. It’s just strange that of all places this missing dog found to be, he made it into our house.
Now, here are some interesting things about how the pugs handled it. Gizmo, the dominant one, didn’t bat an eye. He just sat there and watched Gadget go run and play/fight. Gadget and Billy (the other dog) didn’t really “fight” as much as jockey for position. They both repeatedly tried mounting each other, and they did the thing where they are both on their hind legs, with there front paws up in the air, each one flush against the other one. It’s almost like what you picture when you think of two male rams fighting over territory.
It’s weird to me that it wasn’t GIZMO out there fighting.
Anyway, the whole situation got Gadget so riled up that he kept on begging to go out front, which is where he was interacting with this dog. I’d open the door for him, he’d run out front, look around, then come back in. And this isn’t “normal” gadget, i’m talking about — he was extremely excited / demanding / agitated. Even this morning, when we got up, he was doing the same thing. Eventually this morning he got over it, and realized that this other dog wasn’t around anymore, but it was odd nonetheless.
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February 15, 2007 at 2:58 pm · Show more about: Pug
We’re starting to get close to being “fully moved in” to the new place. Pretty much all the stuff has been moved to the new house, and we’ve been in a somewhat extended organization period.
Most recently, we had some furniture refinished. My grandparents purchased some danish modern furniture in the 60’s, and although some of it had gotten pretty banged up, it’s actually pretty nice. So, now that we’ve actually got room for furniture, we decided to get it redone.
We just got the set back, and we’re really happy with the results. Gizmo decided he wanted to be in the picture, too.
Also, Mardi Gras is beginning, and my parents usually stay in a hotel downtown for the holiday. Therefore, Lexy (their pug) is staying with us for a few days. We’ve got THREE pugs in the bed, now!
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February 3, 2007 at 3:17 pm · Show more about: Pug

This is Charlie. He is soon to own Meldav38 (Um, i mean Meldav38 is a new pug owner from Australia). Anyway, Charlie’s parent asks about pug food in the urban pug forums and wants to know about what the best kind of food to feed your pug is.
What do you think? What do you feed your dog? Help a new pug owner out and let us know by replying to his post in the forums. Click here to see the post.
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January 24, 2007 at 10:42 pm · Show more about: Pug
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Petaholica is an email newsletter published every Monday and Wednesday that discusses, “pet luxury, designers, new products, reviews, deals and sales.” They bill themselves as “The Newsletter for Savvy Pet Owners.” There are three lists you can subscribe to, Petaholica Anywhere, Petaholica Cats, and Petaholica New York.
As an example of some of their content, the most recent newsletter is about a company that’s selling dog collars. An excerpt, “The sailors knot collar is so cute we wanted to hit the high seas right there and then. Any of your dog owners who live near the water or lake area will love this collar.”
The new website design is much easier on the eyes, which makes it easier to find old articles, which are a very good resource. If you’re into fun pet stuff, I recommend you check out their archives.
Oh, and the best part? There’s a picture of a PUG! Well, maybe not. Maybe, the best part of their site is the fact that they make a donation for each person who subscribes. Yes, they make a donation to “Casa De Los Ninos” for each new subscriber, so you should go there and subscribe if for no other reason than to help out a good cause.
Link: Petaholica
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January 22, 2007 at 7:16 pm · Show more about: Pug
So this weekend, we went to the Pug Meetup group, and there was a new member! Everyone loved seeing the really tiny puppy. I think her name is Chloe.
We took Lexy, along with Gizmo and Gadget. Tricia’s parents have given away some of their pugs, so we got to see some of them at the meetup.
Chrissy was there, and so were two post-katrina pugs (you may have seen them as tiny puppies when I posted pictures around that time). Anyway, one of them was sired by Gizmo and Gadget’s brother, and the resemblance was striking. He looked like a combination of Gizmo and Gadget — Beautiful!
In the picture, Lexy spent half the meetup fixated on this puppy. It’s funny, because when she had puppies, she didnt want anything to do with them. Now, she’s totally into it. Maybe it’s because she didnt have to carry this one around in her belly for a long time that makes her not dislike it.
Don’t forget, if you have a question, bring it over to the Urban Pug Forums
Also, if you’re a flickr member, please click on the photo of the puppy and leave comments / favorite the photo!
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January 17, 2007 at 10:43 am · Show more about: Pug
I just noticed this feature about H Doodle: The H Doodle Birthday Club.
You sign your dog up, and they’ll receive “cool treats from H. Doodle during their birthday month” — We’ve still got a ways to go before G&G turn 4, but I’m sure going to do it!
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January 16, 2007 at 10:40 pm · Show more about: Pug
Gadget is suddenly a Saints fan. (Or maybe he’s just pretending to get the treats?) What kind of treats do your dogs like? Let us know in the forums
Also, H Doodle is now a sponsor of Urban Pug. Check their store out, they’ve got some great products for small dogs.
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January 14, 2007 at 9:05 pm · Show more about: Pug
Gizmo and Gadget recently got their first bath in a real tub, and here’s a picture of Gadget in there. I find that they shed A LOT right after I give them a bath, but it dies down. I think that it’s because the bath loosens a lot of their hair and removes a lot of the natural oil from their coats.
Anyway, I was at Sam’s and I found this stuff called “Minute Groom” — It supposedly has some natural oils in it that will help. We’ll see if it works or not, because man, after bathtime, pugs shed like crazy. If you have any solutions for shedding, go make a post in the forums, let us all know what you do. I’ll get one started.
In other news, they boys are settling into their new house. Gizmo is finding more places to hop up onto (the window sill, anywhere where there’s a bunch of pillows) and gadget’s getting sneaky.
Today, Gadget sneaked into the cabinet and pulled down the bag of chicken jerky (we’re talking a huge bag of it), and was about to start chowing down, right when tricia caught him.
During the day, the boys are staying in the kitchen, which is completely closed off, with no corners or tree-like objects for them to have the urge to mark, so they’ve been doing relatively well during the days while we’re out. Other times, though, we’re having a bit of trouble. We’re not sure if they’re getting mad at us or what. I think it’s time to start getting them some more walking time (just for the exercise and mental health aspects, not the actual need for them to relieve themselves. They get plenty of “outside” time now, so much to the point where they don’t really wanna go half the time, cause that would mean that they’re not sleeping on your head, at your feet, or otherwise right next to you.
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January 7, 2007 at 10:03 pm · Show more about: Pug
Here’s a picture of Gizmo and Gadget in the U-Haul while we were moving. We were able to bring most of the stuff to the new place with Tricia’s SUV, but the BIG stuff doesn’t fit there, so we had to rent a truck.
Gizmo and Gadget helped, of course.
We’re mostly moved in, and i’ll start posting pictures of us in the new place, including some REALLY CUTE pictures of their first bath in a LONG time (i’ve been giving them showers since we didn’t have a bathtub)
Anyway, we both start school again tomorrow. First day. Ick.
Gotta get back into school mode.
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December 23, 2006 at 6:18 pm · Show more about: Pug
We’re in the process of moving. In the course of boxing things up, I just had to take this picture.
Anyway, we’re moving from a condo to a house due to a severe space shortage. So… Gizmo and Gadget won’t technically be “urban pugs” anymore. they’ll always be urban at heart, but soon, they’ll be Suburban Pugs.
Have a Merry Pug Christmas, Everyone!
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December 13, 2006 at 9:57 pm · Show more about: Pug
So, my sister won a trip to Paris. She called in to win a CD on the radio, and she won. Then, she was entered into a drawing to win a trip, and she won. It was a promotion for her and a friend to go and see a Christina Aguilera concert. Anyway, she had a great time, which included some shopping. She happened to go to a GAP store there, and she saw a Parisian woman with her PUG in the store! She talked to the woman, and said that SHE had a pug, too. (My sister lives with my parents, and they all have Lexy)
Anyway, the woman suggested she buy her pug a sweater like the one her pug had. So, my sister got this sweater for lexy. The picture is of Gizmo trying it on. He loves fashion, but he didn’t particularly like this sweater.
He’d get used to it, though.
Oh, and for male dogs, this gap sweater is much better than normal dog outfits, as it’s “V” shaped around the belly, which means it lets them pee without getting the clothes messy. That’s smart design, there.
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December 10, 2006 at 10:13 pm · Show more about: Pug
I’m just taking a quick break from studying, before I go to bed, to put a new picture up. This one’s of Gizmo, putting his face into Tricia’s book as she’s studying. If you click on the link, and go to flickr, and look at the “original image” you can even read the text of the book.
It’s maritime law.
Gizmo doesn’t like learning about the outer continental shelf. He likes learning about Paris fashion. (More about that next post)
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December 7, 2006 at 9:58 pm · Show more about: Pug
This dog breed has amazing capabilities!
They’re not pugs, but I just found this article. really neat.
Read all about the Lundehund here
technorati tags:norwegian+lundehund, lundehund, norwegian
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November 28, 2006 at 6:40 pm · Show more about: Pug
Gizmo has got to be one of the most persistent, ridiculous pugs there is. He will put himself in the place HE wants to be in, which is usually on top of whatever’s available, especially if it’s comfortable.
Here, he’s on tricia’s bag, as she was unpacking from a small trip we took to baton rouge for the weekend.
To his credit, he is cute.
I didn’t get a picture of it, but right now, he has made his way to the top of the kitchen table, and he’s resting his head in the middle of a book that’s open and upright on one of those book holder things.
Completely Ridic!
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November 25, 2006 at 11:14 am · Show more about: Pug
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Small Dog Mall is an online pet store that sells all sorts of useful and novelty pet products. So far, my favorite is the “Little Dog Fez Hat”
They also sell ID tags, grooming supplies, which you may need periodically. More importantly, they sell a bunch of dog sweaters. I just showed the site to Tricia, and she spent the last 30 minutes browsing all their products. If your dog has personality, there are just so many really fun things that you’ll want to get.
We might just get the “Snuggle Bucket” for Gizmo.
Or some Doggles for Gadget.
They also have a section for projects, which includes baking, sewing, knitting, and christmas projects. The baking project shows you how to bake homemade dog biscuits, and you can flavor them regular, peanut butter, or apple cinnamon, depending on your dog’s taste.
Building on the baking project is the christmas project, which teaches you how to make a dog christmas tree, decorated with dog the homemade dog biscuits you just made.
Finally, there is a sewing project that shows you how to make a cuddly blanket for your dog.
Overall, they have a great selection of products, and they deserve a bookmark in your web browser. Pets are a big industry these days, and Small Dog Mall demostrates exactly why.
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