Attention all pug owners: Your pugs want turkey! They want it now! Their sense of smell is a lot better than yours, and they’ve been sitting around smelling that turkey all morning. It’s torturous! Just a few pieces is all they ask. Pleeeease give them some! They will love you forever.
Some gravy, too. Oh, and cranberry sauce would be nice.
Did you say there was pie? They’re going to need some of that, too.
The picture is of Gizmo, knocked out last night. Not from turkey, yet.
November 23, 2006 at 11:13 am · Show more about: Pug
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Pet Boogaloo has a Free Pet Award Certificate Maker that I’m reviewing. Basically, it’s a fun little tool that lets you make printable “certificates” for your pet. The program has four steps.
In the first, step, you enter your name, and your pet’s name. I had a problem here, because there wasn’t enough room for me to give an award to both Gizmo and Gadget.
In the second step, you enter what the award is for. You can select from one of the pre-made awards, such as “Honorable Hound” or “Wondrous Tail Wagger”
In the third step, you can select a background color for your certificate, a border style, and a decoration for the document. The borders are things like paw prints, bones, stars, or snowflakes. The “decorations” are things like a “seal” to make the document look official, bones, stars, birthday cakes, etc.
In the last step, you can upload an image of your pet that gets inserted into the document, to really personalize your certificate.
Then, you’re done. All that’s left to do is print! Overall, this tool is pretty neat, especially for those of us that are pet-crazy. So, if you’re looking for something fun to do, especially if there are kids around, this could be a fun project that passes some quality time.
November 13, 2006 at 12:45 pm · Show more about: Pug
Has your pug ever had eye problems? Gizmo’s had a scratched cornea before. It wasn’t fun, but he recovered in a week or so. Leeder asks in the Urban Pug Forums if anyone else’s pugs have had eye problems?
I know it’s an issue with the breed, with their lack of eye protection. However, I’m curious if other people actually have had this kind of problem. Let us know in the forums.
This weekend, we tried to go to the Mirliton Festival in the Bywater. Unfortunately, Saturday was a “no dogs” day, so we couldn’t get in. We did, however, get some pictures of Gizmo and Gadget on Desire street. The lettering of the street name is common throughout certain parts of new orleans, and, to many, iconifies the city.
So, Gadget went to sleep with one of his new toys, and he looked really cute, so I went to take a picture of him. I snapped a few, but then he woke up and i caught this!
How cute is this picture?
Oh, and remember, there are only a few more days left to enter the Pug Poetry contest in the Urban Pug Forums
Today, we took the boys to a nearby park for a walk. There’s a fountain there, and Gizmo hopped into it! He really wanted to cool off a little bit after running around and playing for a while.
If you click the picture, it’ll take you to flickr, where there is a picture of gadget in the fountain, lying down. He was hot enough so that the water didn’t bother him as much as the heat. I chose this picture to post instead of Gadget just because gizmo’s SO HAPPY in this one.
Oh, and don’t forget about the Pug Poetry Contest. We already have two entries. You don’t have to be a pro, and you could win a cop of “Pug Therapy” and P is for Pug T-Shirt!
Pug Therapy, I’d say, goes by the pug motto, Multum in Parvo, which roughly translates to, “A lot in a little.” It’s a fairly small sized book, but inside, it’s packed with lots of really cute pictures to brighten up any Pug lover’s day. It contains lots of pictures of pugs in various places, doing various “pug” things. If you read through it, you’ll see, “Hey! this picture is like my pug!” probably at least once. That’s a good thing. It shows how pugs are universal, and how they can really be lots of fun or get you through some tough times.
I’d say this book would make a great gift to any pug lover, and it’s fairly reasonably priced, only about $10 at amazon (click the image to go there).
Anyway, to promote the Urban Pug Forums, we’re giving away a Gizmo and Gadget autographed copy of the book, along with a P is for Pug T-shirt and a Pug bumper sticker to the winners of a contest.We’ll have first and second prizes. First place gets an autographed copy of Pug Therapy plus a T-Shirt or similarly priced product, and second place gets a bumper sticker of your choice.To win the prizes, you have to go over to the urban pug forums, and post some original “pug related” poetry. It can be simple, as long as it’s creative. We’ll judge based on how closely you reflect the “pug spirit”Entries must be posted in the “Pug Poetry” section of the forum, and they must be posted on or before November 1, 2006.
Good Luck! — Oh, and PLEASE let everyone know about this contest!
Ok, the title has nothing to do with the picture, I just thought it was funny.
So. This month is going to be busy. We’ve got the Pug Meetup Halloween party, Gizmo and Gadget’s birthday (they’re three!), and oh yeah, we’re in law school.
Oh, I just got a package in the mail the other day of Pug Therapy, a cute little picture book about pugs!. Random House asked me to review it! Can you believe that? I’ll be working on putting a review up when I can. Also, to let everyone know, they sent me TWO copies, so I can have a contest to give away the second copy!
When I review the book, I’m going to put up the rules for the contest, too. However, I’m pretty sure the contest is going to have something to do with posting in the forums.
We’re busier than ever, but not too busy for Pugs. Gizmo and Gadget have switched to Science Diet “Sensitive Stomach” formula. I think they like it fairly well, and I think it’s solved Gizmo’s sensitive stomach problem.
Also, we’ve found some good treats. Wal Mart sells chicken jerky for dogs, and the pugs just absolutely love it. Gizmo loves it so much he does his, ‘take the food, run and eat it away from gadget’ thing.
This picture is of gizmo resting on the sofa. He just plops down right on the back like this.
September 11, 2006 at 10:36 pm · Show more about: Pug
No time for pictures right now, just giving a quick update.
Today, we went on a walk around the block, and there’s this Miniature Schnauzer that’s always barking at us like crazy from inside a window. Well, we saw him today outside, and he was barking at us so much that he was literally choking himself. It’s sad that he is so not “balanced” (as Cesar Millan would say). The dog is either so afraid or so possessive or so whatever, that he is totally not in control of himself.
Anyway, the dog owner was holding her dog back as we passed, but Gizmo and Gadget were doing their “trot” and just sniffing around, like dogs do. The next thing I knew, this other dog had gotten off of his leash and RAN up to G&G backing at them! Before I knew it, he was right there. I was sure that I was going to have to break up a fight, and I got really protective. I know this dog is crazy, and I was expecting to have to get down on into it and break up a fight.
Now that I’m thinking about it, it’s kinda scary. I dont know how I would have reacted if this dog had actually attacked my dogs. I know this dog is just being a dog and is basically a product of his environment, but in order to protect my dogs, I may have been violent with this other dog. At the very least, he would have gotten a swift, firm kick or two.
After the dog got off his leash, he barked and barked, but when he got up to G&G, he just stood there and sniffed them (although still being aggressive). I’m not sure what to make of it. Maybe he would have attacked if given more time. I did get my foot in between him and Gizmo before anything could happen, and his owner did get him back on his leash, but… what if something else had happened?
Certainly, I think that this dog owner needs to take serious precautions with their dog. This dog, known for being really aggressive and violent towards other dogs needs to have special care taken to keep him on his leash. The dog owner probably should use a harness, rather than just a collar, so as not to choke the dog. I think what happened was that she was trying to hold the dog to keep him from choking himself, but ended up taking him off the leash, and then he squirmed out of her arms.
September 4, 2006 at 8:27 pm · Show more about: Pug
Here’s the deal. Gizmo takes a few kernels of food out of his bowl at a time, puts them on the floor, then eats them. We can’t figure out why, but here’s PROOF that he does it.