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Rufus Wins! Dermot Demands a Recount!

Ok, so I know there’s just one judge, but hey, Dermot really had a chance until he shyed away from the judge at the last minute. Apparently, it’s because of a bad experience a few months ago where a judge’s fingernail nicked the inside of his mouth. Ever since then, he gets scared on the judging table.

Other than that, Dermot is the man.

Either way, Rufus the Colored Bull Terrier is a very nice looking dog, and he deserved to win Best in Show just as much as any of the other dogs.

At least Dermot got to represent.

There’s always Westminster next year.

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Go Dermot!

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Originally uploaded by jmatthew3.

So Dermot won last night as the best in the Toy Group, and we all got really excited for all Pugdom.

Anyway, don’t forget to watch tonight starting at 8 Eastern to see what happens with the rest of the show. (They’ll do best in show at the very end)

If you need to, TIVO IT.

Westminster !!!

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Originally uploaded by jmatthew3.

For those of you who don’t know, tonight and tomorrow are the “big daddy” of dog shows, Westminster. You can get updates here

It’s in NYC, and it’s airing on the USA Network from 8-11 eastern tonight and tomorrow night. They’ve already judged the pugs, and the Best in Breed is “Ch Kendoric’s Riversong Mulroney,” the same Pug who won best in breed for Pugs at the Purina show at Thanksgiving and Best in Breed last year at Westminster. He goes by the name Dermot. He has quite a history.

The “Ch” stands for “Champion,” and the breeder usually has part of the dog’s “formal name” too.

Gizmo and Gadget are:

Ch Wind Valley’s Gizmoto Dragon and
Ch Wind Valley’s Gaudium Dragon

The name is supposed to reflect who bred the dog, but sometimes people put in more than that. For example, G&G have “dragon” in their name because they’re shown/owned by Tricia’s parents, and their kennel name is “Silk Dragon” (I’m only part owner of Gizmo)

So, Gadget’s kids are all “Silk Dragon’s XYZ”

All of this is supposed to have NO relation to what you actually CALL the dog, because the judge isn’t supposed to know anything about who the dog is actually owned/bred by. Really, even the handler isn’t supposed to matter, but there’s a lot of politics involved, so one dog can actually be judged higher than another one JUST BECAUSE he is handled by a famous handler.

That’s kinda crap, but it’s how it works.

Anyway, they’re retired show dogs now, but they do have little “diplomas” we have on the walls for them.

Watch USA tonight and cheer for the pugs! (BOO Pomeranian! BOO Poodle!)

Gizmo rules.

Useful Pug Products

Gizmo Loves Yogurt

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Gizmo Loves Yogurt

Originally uploaded by jmatthew3.

Tricia’s back to the grind of law school, and the other day, with Gizmo always at her side (He always HAS to be on the chair next to her, for some reason).

Anyway, she decided to take a break and eat some yogurt, which Gizmo absolutely loved.

Gadget at the Computer

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Gadget at the Computer

Originally uploaded by jmatthew3.

Gadget’s been browsing the internet, and he found a really funny website with photoshopped pug pictures — Personal Jesús

Also, I’ve found a new favorite food for Gizmo and Gadget. Gadget will eat just about anything, but Gizmo is a fairly picky. Both of them go absolultely bonkers for fresh pears. They love pears more than they love broccoli, and that’s saying a lot!

Video Posting

This video was taken on New Year’s day at Pug City. It’s basically of Oopsie, one of Ipsy’s puppies, running around going crazy, trying to play with Gizmo and Gadget, who are tired at this point.

Gizmo is SO HAPPY!

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Originally uploaded by jmatthew3.

First off, the Lost Pugs have been found.

Secondly, we’re all back in New Orleans, and we have a new fridge installed, a new compressor on the AC unit (yes, we need AC here right now). More importantly, we’re all back to our normal routine, and the pugs get LOTS of attention.

The only bad thing is that I had to do their nails last night, and they absolutely hate the dremel.

Lieutenant Otto Von Puglish

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Lieutenant Otto Von Puglish

Originally uploaded by jmatthew3.

No, seriously, that pillow is from hobby lobby, and the tag names the pug in the picture.

The picture is of tricia’s father holding Ivan.

Sleeping Christmas Ivan

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Sleeping Christmas Ivan

Originally uploaded by jmatthew3.

Here’s a picture of Ivan from Christmas day.

Also, a link to an article about how having two dogs rather than 1 is good for your dogs from discovery.com

Pug Cuteness Explosion

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Pug Puppy with a Greenie

Originally uploaded by jmatthew3.

I just love this picture.

We had some puppies over for a while, and i took some pictures. Also, ivan stayed overnight with us on christmas eve, and we took him to my parents house on christmas day.

My sister absolutely fell in love with him. I’ll have more pictures of him on the website soon, along with some videos.

This picture is of Omni, Ipsy’s son. (I think)

Merry Christmas

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Originally uploaded by jmatthew3.

Here are more pugs from around the world. I dont have any pictures of gizmo and gadget like this, so Meimei and Miko get to bring everyone holiday pug cheer straight from Alberta, Canada.

Meimei is (the Fawn one) 1 1/2 years old, and Miko just turned 4 months old. They’re both very excited to see Santa this year, and they wanted to wish Gizmo, Gadget, and everyone who reads UrbanPug.com a very Merry Christmas!

Meimei’s favorite thing to chase is her baby sister Miko, and they do plenty of laps around the livingroom all day long! They also love to cuddle with each other, once they settle down. Miko loves to chew on anything squeeky – so you can also tell where she is hiding from Meimei with her toys!

Also, we’re going to get to see IVAN today, so hopefully i’ll have some fat-puppy-pics to post with my shiny new Canon Digital Elph SD550 (to replace the S200)

We’re finally back in New Orleans, but the house is doubly a mess from Christmas and from moving, so that’s why I havent been on the ball posting, but things should get back to a regular schedule soon.

West Haven, Connecticut Pug

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Originally uploaded by jmatthew3.

Today’s update is another Pug from around the world. This pug is Moseby, and he’s three years old. The cat in the background is his best friend, Bella.

His favorite things to do are sleep, eat (anything, including paper) and run laps around the coffee table while playing with his stuffed duck.

I wonder if he does the infamous pug ‘bullet’, ‘scoot’, or ‘butt tuck’ maneuver. — If you have a pug, you know exactly what I’m talking about.

What else do people call this crazy pug behavior?

Also, please don’t be shy about sending more pictures in — send emails to gadget@urbanpug.com

Scratched Cornea – Oh No!

Yesterday, when we picked the dogs up from Pug City, G&G ran around furiously happy, but when we got them into the car, we noticed that Gizmo wasn’t opening his right eye very much, and he was being really sensitive about it.

So, we put some of gadget’s eyedrops in there, and he was a little better a couple hours later, but tricia still took him to the vet this morning — and he has a scratch on his cornea! poor little pug!

we have no idea how he got it, and he should be ok, but you really need to be careful about pug eyes.

he has to go back to the vet next tuesday, then we’ll see if he’s better or if he needs to have some minor surgery (noo!)

Back from Austin

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A Very Pug Christmas

Originally uploaded by jmatthew3.

Tricia and I just went to Casey’s graduation in Austin, Texas — we stayed a few days, but it was all pretty hectic, and I didnt get a chance to get any pictures or post any here, so I’m going back to a picture taken last week.

This is more in the christmas pugs series.

Back with more new pictures from Pug City, soon.

Gadget For Christmas

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Gadget the Big Eye

Originally uploaded by jmatthew3.


Gadget can really turn on the cuteness when he wants to. To him, however, it’s all about the food.

He’s a cute, furry, walking, begging stomach.

If you don’t watch out, he’ll eat your finger.

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