Archive for Pug
December 2, 2005 at 12:17 am · Show more about: Pug
First off, I’d like to say that I’m really digging Threadless and their $10 T-Shirt Sale. I’m picking up a few of these for christmas.
Second, we’re not sure what’s up with Gadget, exactly, but he LOVES my mother. Whenever she is around, he follows her around and even will cry if he knows she is in the house and he can’t get out of the room he’s in.
It’s funny, they’re kinda helpless in that they can’t open doors and such, but they KNOW the doors can be opened, so they sit there and look at the door, helpless, kinda whining until you open it for them or convince them through petting and/or food that they want to be in the room with you.
Most of the time, however, Gizmo and Gadget are totally content.
Anyway, I’m trying to get a good photo for a christmas postcard. This was one in a series of attempts — there was never enough light in the room to get a GOOD picture. We’ll see what happens tomorrow during the day.
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November 30, 2005 at 12:34 am · Show more about: Pug
NOTE: This is not a post about giving away free pugs. If you are interested in getting a Pug and want to talk, ask questions, or ask if there are any available in your area, don’t reply to this message. Instead, go to the Urban Pug Forums and talk there. -Thanks!
Ok, I just have to point out that in the last photo, gadget is making his trademarked “Psycho I Want What You’re Eating” face.
If he were a character in Punch-Out, he’d be King Hippo, no, wait, he’d be Soda Popinski due to his obsession with consumables.
Gizmo would be… Don Flamenco. (Presumably the gayest of the punch-out characters. Not that we’re anti-gay though. Gizmo knows we love him)
Anyway, I got a call from the vet i took gadget to the other day about his eye… and “oh, by the way, how about some puppies!”
Gadget’s cuteness transcends.
So i gave her the number to Dulittle Pugs. Numbers for breeders are here.
If you go to Louisiana, you’ll see Dulittle pugs (the puppies in the picture) and Wind Valley (The breeder of G&G) — But Gizmo and Gadget’s Grandfather is from Dulittle, so you can get in on the G&G gene action.
I’m not sure of the status on any of Tricia’s parents’ puppies, but they might be on their way to homes soon too.
Anyway, if you’re in the market for a pug, and you’re near louisiana, i know htere are some ready soon to go to homes.
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November 28, 2005 at 1:04 am · Show more about: Pug
Ok, so we’re a little lazy. We had sonic for dinner. However, Gadget really doesn’t care, and he goes totally psycho-pug for pretty much any kind of food you’re eating and he’s not.
Tricia is finally starting to feel better after three weeks (and a third try on medication. the first two sets of antibiotics didn’t work. Now it’s brute-force time.) — She’s got her first final tomorrow, which is good (we’re almost ready to go back to new orleans) but bad (she’s been sick and not able to study like she should).
Anyway, I met Bubba yesterday out in Holden — he’s Gizmo and Gadget’s Grandfather (Their mother’s father), and i do think there’s a little bit of family resemblance there.
Also, I’ve had my trusty Canon PowerShot S200 Digital Elph for almost 3 years now, and i’m researching for a new camera. I think i’m going to choose a Canon SD450, SD500, or SD550, but the Casio Exilim looks really good too. Does anyone have any thoughts? (I also want to get a better camera to do better camera-to-flickr-to-blog postings, but i’m waiting a while longer for that)
So thanks if you have any comments!
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November 25, 2005 at 4:44 pm · Show more about: Pug
We just got back from the vet — Gadget has a sty, but other than that, he’s healthy. The doctor gave him some eyedrops to help out, and we’re going to see how that works for now.
Also, it’s time for some teeth cleaning for both Gizmo and Gadget. We’re going to have to do that soon.
Anyway, hope everyone’s having a nice holiday.
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November 24, 2005 at 1:32 pm · Show more about: Pug
If you were just watching (maybe not?), Dermot the Pug just took 4th in the Toy Group in the Purina Dog Show on TV today.
Kendoric Pugs (and a picture of Dermot)
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November 24, 2005 at 12:12 am · Show more about: Pug
Yes, it’s time to be thankful for Pugs!
Also, I noticed over on Gridskipper, they’re doing the 2005 Urban Blogging awards, and there’s a photoblog category. So if you like this blog, you may be motivated to nominate us!
BTW, I think that what would be better than a puggle is a “puggle-pug hybrid” — it would be MORE pug-like (and thus better)
Oh — last thing. Be careful if you’re deep-frying your turkey this year. Check out the FIRE HAZARD
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November 20, 2005 at 12:21 am · Show more about: Pug
Ok, so we’ve known about Puggles for a while now — they’re Pug-Beagle Hybrids (you can see some pictures here and here).
We just saw them on the most recent “best week ever” show on VH1, and i have to say, they ARE cute, especially as puppies. However, PUGS ARE TOTALLY BETTER!!!!
I mean, I look at a puggle, then i look at gadget, and i’m like, “omg how could anyone want a puggle when they could have gadg!”
So we won’t be getting a puggle anytime soon.
Interestingly, though, right now we’re living with 2 pugs and a beagle.
Also, Tricia used to live with Chiggy, who was a Pug-Pekingese hybrid. (He looked just like a pug, just not a show pug)
Anyway, here’s Gadget sleeping — if you notice his left eye, he’s got some kind of eye infection/sty going — i’m going to have to take him to a vet on monday if it doesnt get any better.
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November 18, 2005 at 1:04 am · Show more about: Pug, Pugs Around The World
First off, you guys are awesome. I just think it’s amazing that I can sell 10-15 stickers/shirts per month, which I make basically nothing on, but I like doing it. I’m currently figuring out how to make a “rampant pug” tshirt (the rampant lion is part of the royal standard of the united kingdom — I’ve got this idea in my head, and if i were more of a visual artist, it would already be a t-shirt.
Anyway, here’s the most recent “pug from around the world” — it’s of Sasha and Sage and sent by Andrea Orange County, CA.
Bananas are their favorite food, although they won’t turn down much.
Sasha likes to get real close to your face and breath, she really likes mouths.
They both like going for walks, playing in the yard with their “daddy” (ed: G&G like that too), visiting both sets of “grandparents” (ed: again, G&G too), and following “mommy” wherever she goes, either full physically or just watching…
Anyway, I’ve got more submissions to post here, so keep them coming. Send pictures and descriptions of your pugs to
Oh, and in more recent URBAN PUG news, I actually went to our residence today and cleaned up for the first time in months. We had cleaned the fridge out and taken things to Baton Rouge, but today I took down party decorations from my birthday (aug. 22) that were still hanging, because nobody’s been living in the house.
New Orleans is still this eerie place to be, half lived in, half vacant. Everyplace closes at odd times, and it’s just strange to be around.
I want to go back.
Anyway, happy pugging,
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November 10, 2005 at 8:21 pm · Show more about: Pug, Pugs Around The World
Here’s another submitted photo from our “Pugs Around the World” series. This photo is from Ruby (Fawn) and Rex (Black) from Portland, Oregon.
Ruby will be 4 in January, Rex is now 2. They both love to play ball and wrestle. In the summer they love to play at the park, where Rex loves to fetch the Frisbee and Ruby likes soccer.
Gadget is a huge fan of Chai Tea, which, according to the package, comes from Oregon. He wonders who likes Chai better, Rex or Ruby.
We salute you, Portland Pugs!
If you’d like to be a part of “Pugs Around the World,” please email
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November 9, 2005 at 8:45 pm · Show more about: Pug
Gadget has been busy this year making a lot of babies! This is a photo of his latest litter. Seen here are Camille, Katrina, Rita & Ivan…aka the Hurricanes. The puppy with its belly up is named Ivan. We like to call him “Ivan the Terrible!” He is HUGE. He’s literally the fattest puppy we’ve ever seen. He takes after his father, but might just outgrow him. We are currently waiting on a new litter that was fathered by Gizmo. We’ll keep you posted on the current and future puppies!
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November 6, 2005 at 10:52 am · Show more about: Pug
I took this picture the other day — it’s just an example of how they love to get in the car — with or without us! (With us on a ride to someplace fun, they hope)
Anyway, Tricia and I are going to Houston today to see Depeche Mode tomorrow night.
We’ll also be visiting her brother’s family, including Mookie (the beagle).
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November 4, 2005 at 12:29 am · Show more about: Pug
No pictures, but this morning, Gizmo and Gadget both hopped into the NEIGHBOR’s car on their early morning walk. Usually, gizmo will hop into my car as soon as i open the door, but gadget resists (i have to pick him up and put him in the car).
However, today, they wanted a ride so badly that they’d take it from anyone who’d give it to them. Unfortunately, they had to wait until i got home from work at about 8 (i drove into new orleans today for work). When I got home, tricia and I ate dinner, then we took the pugs on a ride while *we* got some baskin & robbins.
And, i wish i had my camera, because g&g both got to lick spoons, and it was freaking cute.
“cuteness explosion!”
also, please send in pictures! we want your pictures! !
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November 1, 2005 at 4:41 pm · Show more about: Pug
It’s been a while since I’ve been able to post, I’ve been busy with work and with PUGS!
Last week, Gizmo went to Pug City to, well, make some baby Pugs, so we had Demi stay with us.
Demi is REALLY demanding — she pretty much demands your attention at any point in time that she’s not eating or sleeping. It’s all about holding or being pet.
She’s now fully grown, although she must be about 14 pounds to Gadget’s 21 — we’ve joked about Gadget being Demi wearing a “Fat Suit.”
Anyway, she’s back home now, and Gizmo is back with us. We didn’t do anything special for Halloween, but we’re SURE some pugs across the world did, so if you’ve got any pictures, send ’em in, and we’ll post em!
Since we don’t have any Halloween Pug Pictures, here are some pics at flickr.
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October 22, 2005 at 7:47 am · Show more about: Pug, Pugs Around The World
Thank you for the pug submissions we have gotten so far and please keep them coming! This week’s featured Pug Around the World is from our home city/state: New Orleans, Louisiana. Her name is Roxy and she is 2 years old (just like Gizmo & Gadget! — they are 10 days younger!). This is a photo of Roxy and her mom Lynn evacuating by boat after the hurricane. During the hurricane, Roxy and her family went to a local hospital where Lynn’s husband works. The rest of the story is common knowlege by now. Finally, a few days after Katrina hit, Roxy and her family were evacuated from the hospital and made it out safe and sound. Thank goodness! We salute Roxy and her family for their bravery. We’re sure Roxy is somewhere right now being a good little pug and bringing joy and happiness to all. We almost evacuated to that very same hospital with Gizmo & Gadget. Not all the people or pets survived and we think of that every day. Hope to meet you someday Roxy!
Also, if you’re like to send in your pictures and bio, please email Gadget. His email address is
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October 18, 2005 at 7:21 am · Show more about: Pug
The trip to Philly went well, except for the fact that we left a carry on bag in the taxi as we got out at the airport. Lost are a bunch of replacable but somewhat expensive items.
In better news, we saw some pugs in philly, and here’s one of them that we saw on South Street — a black Pug named Rocky!
Also, I’d like to announce two new things we’re going to be doing here. First, it’s “Ask A Pug” — You can email to ask either Gizmo or Gadget a question.
Second, we’d like to profile pugs around the world here, whether you’re urban, suburban, or rural pugs, send us your pictures and a bio, and we’d like to show them to the world! — Gadget will be handling mail for that, so if you’re interested, send mail to
You can get that information later by clicking the links up at the top of the page.
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