Archive for Pug
October 11, 2005 at 10:02 pm · Show more about: Pug
I just had to catch this picture. Gadget’s been hopping into things recently. First this, next the suitcase while we’re packing to go to Philadelphia.
Any suggestions for what to do or see in the off time up there?
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October 9, 2005 at 9:44 pm · Show more about: Pug
Well, we’re getting set up more and more every day here in BR. We’re lucky. We have a place to live and a home to go back to.
we’re upgraded to having paid for cable, non-“borrowed” internet, and an actual TV in our room, now. I’m having a little trouble motivating myself to get TOO settled in here, because, before i know it, I’ll be back in new orleans. We’ll be back around Christmas.
In other news, tricia’s friend marguerite is getting married next weekend, and the wedding had to be moved from new orleans to philadelphia, so we’re flying up there for the wedding, and to see tricia’s college friend, val.
should be fun.
oh, and the other funny thing is — downstairs, we have two doorways next to each other, one is open, with two ottomans blocking it (because my mother wants to keep her dog out of the rest of the house). Anyway, gizmo and gadget have figured it out, totally. Gizmo just jumps over the ottomans, and gadget is big enough to push the door open (it’s one of those weighted swingy doors)
it’s just funny, because they both go where they want to, they just do it in totally different ways. Gizmo is the ballerina jumping over things, and gadget just busts through the door, as if he’s the kool-aid man.
i’ll have to get pictures of those and post ’em.
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October 6, 2005 at 10:37 pm · Show more about: Pug
Gizmo and Gadget are back to their routine of sleeping at my feet while i type away at the computer. Here, he’s wedged in between the pole of the card table i’m using as a desk and the wall.
Gizmo did something today that he hasn’t done in quite a while — he did “The Bullet” — even though it was just a “mini” bullet. My sister and I were playing with him, and he was getting really, really excited, and he was running around in circles.
So, anyway, in this picture, he’s basically zonked out from a day of playing and running up and down the stairs.
Oh, and you know what sucks today? I can’t rent a u-haul (or another truck) for about 2 weeks, which means more aerobed time. 
Also, i’d like to remind you that you can go send pretty much any recent (and some not so recent) pictures i’ve posted as e-cards, by going to my pug e-cards page.
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October 5, 2005 at 10:45 pm · Show more about: Pug
G and G are adjusting to life in Baton Rouge, as are Tricia and I. I think it’s harder for us.
We’re working on our living space, but we’re still sleeping on aerobeds, which, well, sucks. Right now, I’m sleeping on one, and Gizmo, Gadget, and Tricia are sleeping on another. If everything goes perfectly, I’ll have a mattress to sleep on in a few day.
It doesn’t really bother me immediately — it’s more of a “the sum of the parts … sucks” kind of thing.
But in better news, the boys are getting like 10 walks per day, and they are just loving all the attention they’re getting. Additionally, they are going up and down stairs many times a day, adding to their exercise, which is a good thing.
I need to go get them their real food — do any of you have suggestions for what good Pug Food is? I usually get “Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover’s Soul” brand dogfood, which is very, very good.
Any help?
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October 4, 2005 at 8:53 pm · Show more about: Pug
Just an update — I know some of these names are hard to keep track of.
Tricia’s parents have several girls in the first generation of show pugs (for them)
Indy, Lucy, Lexy, Ipsy. They also have the younger Demi (black pug), Emerson (Black, non-show), Chrissy (Prematurely retired show pug), and Gonnie (Gizmo and Gadget’s brother)
Gizmo mated with one of the Dulittle Pugs in Holden, LA, and one of those pugs is Petunia.
Gadget has mated with 2 or 3 Dulittle Pugs, one of the boys is Titan, and another is Ivan. (There’s also Camille, Katrina, and Rita — I think). Ivan and Titan are notable because as puppies, they’re both really BIG and have thick bones, and are very square — which are good show pug qualities.
Gadget has also mated with Indy and Lexy. Some of those puppies are Spirit, Starry, and Snowy.
Gonnie accidentally mated with Ipsy, who just had puppies.
Also, to answer a question from the comments — pugs don’t need to have c-sections, necessarily. There is a problem with smaller dogs, though. If you have a small dog who has, say, 4 puppies, versus a dog who is having 2 puppies, the space inside is pretty much the same, and the gestation period is the same. What varies is the size of the puppy. If there are two puppies, they will grow bigger, if there are 4, they won’t grow as big while still in the womb.
So, the problem arises when you have a small dog, like a pug, having a small litter — two puppies. In that case, the puppies might be too big to be birthed naturally, and a c-section may be required.
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October 3, 2005 at 9:47 pm · Show more about: Pug
This weekend, Ipsy had her puppies! She’s being a great mother, except she can still be a little bit needy herself.
It’s funny, because of all the pugs i’ve been around, ipsy is the first puppy that i’ve actually known since she was a puppy to have her own puppies.
Of course, Gizmo and Gadget both have kids running around, but it’s different knowing the mother.
Anyway, the even bigger news is that we’re moved into a temporarily permanent house, and G&G have moved in with us. Also, i’ve got the internet working a little bit better now, so I should be able to get back into the swing of things posting here.
We’re still in Baton Rouge, but right now the plan is to move back to New Orleans when this semester is over at LSU Law. It would be hard to move back right now, anyway. I still dont think I have electricity, and it’s going to be 50+ days from now until I have potable water.
Anyway, for now, Gizmo and Gadget aren’t Urban Pugs — they’re more like Moderately Rural Suburban Pugs.
Oh, and I just ordered a furminator. Will let everyone know what I think.
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September 22, 2005 at 9:43 pm · Show more about: Pug
I’ve finally had the chance to get urbanpug back and running properly! I’m back on my k6-2 266 server running in downtown new orleans.
Actually, I was really liking the virtual server i got for work, and was also using for urbanpug. That was provided by, who gave us free setup and a couple months free because of katrina.
Anyway, back to now. We’re still staying in the same house we were staying in, but we’re getting very close to moving into our own house here in baton rouge. Then, Gizmo and Gadget will be able to come stay with us (FINALLY!) — That should happen sometime next week. Officially, we get to start moving things into the house on sunday, but who knows the exact day we’ll move into the new place.
Also, Tricia and I were going to be staying at Pug City right now, because her parents were taking some pugs to the AKC Pug Nationals in San Antonio — however, that’s kinda messed up because of Hurricane Rita.
Honestly, I think this whole thing is about global warming, or at least some long term weather trend, because last winter was very mild (as we found out at the beginning of flea season — if you don’t get more than 3 consecutive days of freezing, flea eggs dont die, and you’re in for trouble).
So last winter was mild, and this summer has been super hot. That together means that the oceans are warmer, especially the Gulf of Mexico, which is really what’s fueling these storms.
Ok, finally — I posted this picture, even though it’s been posted before, because it’s my favorite picture, and I wanted a little celebration for the re-opening of urbanpug!
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August 28, 2005 at 6:47 am · Show more about: Pug
We are evacuating new orleans.
We’re not sure when we will be back.
If the server goes down, it’s cause it is not in a datacenter with special power.
See you in a couple days! (Hopefully)
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August 26, 2005 at 2:55 pm · Show more about: Pug
Gadget is a big fat ham.
Also, People have told me that I should get something called the FURminator
to help with the pugs shedding.
I’m thinking that if I get one of these, it will really just pull all the extra dog hair out, and make it so that they don’t shed as much — IMO, they’ll be cooler outside, too, because at 105 heat index, the pugs can use all the ‘cooling down’ they can get.
Any comments on the furminator and pugs?
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August 24, 2005 at 11:48 am · Show more about: Pug
So Tricia had me bring the boys to her parents house to, “Go to a show.” I think I should have been suspicious when Tricia wasn’t sad that they were going away.
So, it was all a ruse to get the dogs out of the house (besides the ruse to get me out of the house) to throw me a surprise birthday party.
Gizmo and Gadget wanted to be there, but the party was going to run past their bedtime, and they wouldn’t have been able to sleep with all the noise.
This picture is of Gadget last night chewing a rawhide on my bed.
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August 18, 2005 at 7:21 pm · Show more about: Pug
I was reading over on LJCFYI that there are certain pugs out there who love to raid gardens for tomatoes.
That’s just hilarious to me. If gadget were in that position, he’d SO attack the vine it wouldn’t be funny. Now, to veggies. Both Gizmo and Gadget absolutely ADORE broccoli — I actually think that it’s one of their favorite foods (possibly behind chicken).
However, tonight, I was cutting up some red bell pepper, and I gave gizmo a bite. Now, if gizmo will readily eat something, gadget will gobble it up with no problems — and that’s exactly what happened. They’ve found a new treat in bell peppers!
Also, in the picture, it’s gizmo in bed under some pillows. He normally doesn’t go under any pillows or under the covers. Both G&G have been “above the covers” pugs forever — I guess they just learned to like it there, and never really got used to being all the way under a blanket.
Actually, even more than that, they like to sleep above the covers, on top of a pillow that’s by your head. Sleeping on top of your head entirely is ok too, if they can get comfortable that way. However, sometimes, gadget likes to go to the foot of the bed ( we think to ‘cool off’)
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August 17, 2005 at 11:21 am · Show more about: Pug
Gizmo and I have been listening to a lot of Ace of Base today. His favorite is “The Sign” but I like their version of Cruel Summer.
Gadget rolled his eyes when I pulled up the music, because he’s not as much into it, as he much prefers to spend his time watching the food network.
Here’s another picture of Gizmo and Gadget in their office.
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August 15, 2005 at 2:17 pm · Show more about: Pug
Gizmo loves to sit in my lap at the table when I do work there.
Also, for some reason, G&G ‘accept’ not being in our laps if we pull up a chair next to our own chair, and let them sit in it. It’s like it’s okay for me to ignore them temporarily, but only if they get some kind of special treatment, like being able to sit right next to me.
I’ll have to post some pics of Gadget sitting next to me in the chair.
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August 11, 2005 at 1:11 pm · Show more about: Pug
This is Gizmo and Gadget in what we call, “Their Office”
Since i’ve been putting them in the hall during the day, they’re starting to get into the hang of things. Now, Gizmo (And sometimes Gadget) just know to go here in the mornings when I’m getting ready for work.
They know that they’re going to go there anyway, so they might as well just get settled in.
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August 10, 2005 at 8:12 pm · Show more about: Pug
I didn’t realize just how wide Gadget is until I took this picture and saw. He’s a monster of a pug!
Also, I just saw Odie the Talking Pug. OMG! He can say, “I love you”
A pug that can talk! wow!
Here’s the link: Odie the Talking Pug
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