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Another Cute Face

Tricia and Gadget 5

Originally uploaded by jmatthew3.

After we got back from Mississippi, Gadget was really trying his hardest to look cute, and he pulled off some nice pictures. This one just has the perfect face.

Anyway, more pictures available if you click on the photo — it’ll take you to my flickr photostream.

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ME and the boys

ME and the boys

Originally uploaded by jmatthew3.

We just got back from a long weekend at Hide A Way Lake in Mississippi, where a friend of mine has a family camp. We did some tubing, skiing, and some sunburning.

However, we did miss the pugs — they couldn’t go with us.

We’re back in the city now, so here’s a dose of pug. This one is me and the pugs at my parents’ house.

Gizmo in Tricia’s Lap

Gizmo in Tricia’s Lap

Originally uploaded by jmatthew3.

Gizmo is really freaking spoiled, as evidenced by this shot of him in his mother’s lap.

Update on fleas: No fleas! Advantix is actually working pretty well, although it’s about time for the boys to get another bath and another dose of the stuff.

One more thing! I just put up a poll over on the right! First question, Who’s Cuter?

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New Species Found!


I’ve dubbed this the, “Chimpugzee”

Any help finding the original source would be appreciated.

Gizmo doesn’t want to be from a broken home

Tricia’s Engagement Ring

Originally uploaded by jmatthew3.

Gizmo decided that it was about time that his parents got married, so he went out and bought a diamond ring to give to his mommy.

Gadget tried to eat it.

He found out that it was not made of sugar, like his other favorite, ring pops.

The wedding date is May 27, 2006 (That’s memorial day weekend)

Taping Ears?

While I’ve had this site, many people have asked me about why the pugs’ ears are taped. Well, I went and created a little page about taping pug ears

Titan, Son of Gizmo

Titan, Son of Gizmo 6

Originally uploaded by jmatthew3.

Recently, I got some nice pictures of Titan, Gizmo’s little boy. Now, I don’t know exactly why, but it looks like Gadget’s genes are expressed in Titan.

For one, he’s got a really thick body, just like gadget, and secondly, he’s really really furry, just like gadget is too.

About the only thing that shows he’s Gizmo’s son is his really pretty face. For a closeup, you can click on the photo and browse the other pictures on flickr.

Shopping Cart Pugs

Shopping Cart Pugs

Originally uploaded by jmatthew3.

I had the cart. I had to put them there. Yes, that’s Gadget and Gizmo, Gadg is back after a several month hiatus.

He went up to Baton Rouge to work off some extra weight and make some more puppies.

Oh, that reminds me, I just got some pictures of one of Gizmo’s puppies, and DAMN, Titan is cute. He’s a spitting image of his uncle, but with and even prettier (is that possible?) face. More pics to come tomorrow.

Ipsy on the cover of a Jones Soda Bottle

Ok, I promised it last night, now here it is. Ipsy on the cover of Jones Soda.

Click for a full-sized image

Get the brochure for all four christmas jones soda flavors

Sleepy Gizmo

Sleepy Gizmo

Originally uploaded by jmatthew3.

Here’s one more pic from our stay last weekend at the W. Gizmo’s knocked out tired from all the playing, and he’s taking a nap on the well-made bed. (He doesnt get a made bed very often!)

Anyway, it’s been a loooong weekend, but to whet your appetite for this week, I’m going to post a picture of Ipsy on the cover of a bottle of Jones Soda.

Gizmo, a chaise lounge, and the W

For some reason, Gizmo just loved the chaise lounge at the W. He kept hopping up onto it so he could see the whole room — and outside too.

I think the whole “let’s get on a perch” thing he does is because he’s a really short person. I mean, what, he’s only 2’1″, and I’m 5’9″ — That’s pretty short.

You’d want to get up on something to look around too, if you were only two feet tall.

(Ok, 3. Gadget made me say that he and gizmo are 3 feet tall)

Ipsy at the W Hotel

Ipsy at the W Hotel

Originally uploaded by jmatthew3.

Here’s another pick of the photos from the W. In this picture, Ipsy is poking her head up onto the bed, hoping I pick her up onto the bed.

Ipsy had an accident when she was a pup, which caused her to have some eye surgery. She’s ok, except she’s partially blind out of her right eye. If you look closely at photos of her, her right eye hardly ever shows any “blue eye” (dog red-eye effect) because the surgery and trauma to her eye cause the light not to reflect as well off of her retina.

Even with this, she’s still an amazing pug, with personality to spare. Really, that’s what pugs have — personality. They’ve been bred for centuries for that one purpose, to live with humans and be pets, and I think whoever was doing the breeding got something right. Pugs really do make great pets.

Hmm… If only Gizmo could sing. “We’ll make great pets… ” — I’ll have to go downl… er.. buy from itunes Perry Ferrell singing Pets while he was in Porno for Pyros.

Pugs Love the W Hotel!

A few weeks ago, Tricia won a poetry contest at the Bridge Lounge, sponsored by the Humane Society. Well, this weekend, we decided to go… and take the pugs with us. The place is great, although I *do* live about five blocks away from the place.

View of my house from the W hotel

View of my house

In this picture, Tricia is deciding what to get for breakfast the next morning, and gizmo is absolutely LOVING the huge pillows.

A few of the neat things that they do for your dog are: dog treats on turndown, special pet beds (though we didnt get one), pet grooming and veterinarian services, dog walking services, and special W shaped dog treats!

W Dog Treats

W Dog Treat

Overall, we had a great time staying there. We went to dinner, watched a movie, played with the dogs. Tricia and I really think that the dogs “know” that we “chose” to take them with us, and they were really happy. I think we spent all weekend with the dogs. Friday night, Saturday all day, then we took them to the hotel with us, then on Sunday, we took the dogs with us to my parents’ house, where they have a big yard to run around in. Ipsy totally loves hopping around in the yard, she looks just like a little bunny.

Fleas and No Thank You

Ipsy and Gizmo

Originally uploaded by jmatthew3.

Apparently, if you don’t get 3 consecutive days of hard freeze over the winter, flea eggs don’t die.

Well, guess what? We didn’t have that in New Orleans this past winter, so we’re seeing the effects of a “bad flea season.”

We’ve been doing everything we can to keep the fleas off the dogs, including using advantix, but about 2 weeks after i applied advantix, i noticed fleas & tapeworm in/on gizmo. — ACK — Anyway, he’s got his medicine, been bathed thoroughly (again), and he’s now got another dose of advantix.

We’ll see what happens from here.

Spirit going crazy

Spirit going crazy

Originally uploaded by jmatthew3.

The puppies went back home, but Ipsy is back for now — Gadget is still having his fun in Baton Rouge. Anyway, if you click on the image here, you’ll see Freyapup’s comment, “I love that wild look they get in their eyes. :) Usually followed by the classic Pug butt tuck romp around the house!”

I call it “the bullet” — it’s also called “the scoot”

Gizmo does it sometimes after i take him on walks, and every pug I know does it after I bathe them. They go crazy when I dry them off!

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