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Gadget’s Puppies

Gadget’s Puppies

Originally uploaded by jmatthew3.

Here are pictures of Gadget’s puppies! They’re so full of energy, they’re literally an explosion of cuteness. Click on the link to see more pictures of them.

Also, in other news, Gizmo and Gadget love broccoli. Who would have thought? I’ve been cutting the stems into bite-size pieces, and they’ve been going crazy for them. They like broccoli even more than potato chips, which is amazing. However, I think that they would really like these dog treats I found at Petsmart — Canine Sweets from Claudia’s Canine Cuisine It’s like a box of chocolates for your dog, how cool is that? I would have definitely gotten these for the boys for valentine’s day if I had known about them.

Image is here:

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Gizmo closeup

Gizmo closeup

Originally uploaded by jmatthew3.

I’ve been getting into a steady routine in the new Apartment. Walks in the morning, walks in the evening. The boys have been getting in the groove of things, getting used to the “pads” in the new pad.

Anyway, the past two nights, Gizmo has really gotten excited for the nighttime walk. After we get back into the building, I take their leashes off, and Gizmo just goes *insane* He gets into his “little bullet” position and flies in circles around the building’s main entryway — he even sounds different, like a little engine.

Anyway, it’s just about the fastest i’ve seen a pug run, and it’s hilarious. Sometimes, I even run around with them, getting them to chase me.

New Wallpaper

Upon great demand from the people, there is now a Gizmo & Gadget desktop wallpaper. The initial version is in 1024×768 resolution. More will come.

Urban Pug 1024x768 desktop wallpaper

Click on the image to download the full version.

I’ve got more pug wallpapers. If you want to talk about pugs, go to the Urban Pug Forums

Useful Pug Products

Gizmo & Gadget at their best

Gizmo & Gadget at their best

Originally uploaded by jmatthew3.

I’ve been getting quite a few responses about the blog — it’s great to hear that everyone else appreciates the greatness that is a pug, especially *my* pugs.

Today’s picture is G&G in my kitchen when I lived at the Saulet. This picture was turned into a painting by Maureen Krail, and is hanging in my apartment right now.

I’ve got more *NEW* pictures to post, but I’m getting through the backlog of older great pictures first. — This one is definitely worth a post.

The source of the favicon

Gizmo as a puppy

Originally uploaded by jmatthew3.

This shot was one of the first really good pictures I took of Gizmo. I’ve got it framed in my apartment, and, if you’ll look closely, it’s the icon you see next to this website when you bookmark it.

It’s been a long day here, i’ve just set up the tivo after having gotten the warranty replacement in the mail, what a hassle that has been — but it’s all good. I ended up getting a newer model. This one has a glowing “Tivo Guy” icon on the front, which is pretty cool. I’m not sure what’s different about this model internally, but it seems to run pretty quickly — well, I’m comparing it to the Series 1 Tivo i’ve been using in the bedroom, so my observation may not be accurate.

Anyway, more pics tomorrow!

Gizmo @ Mardi Gras #2

Gizmo @ Mardi Gras #2

Originally uploaded by jmatthew3.

Here’s another picture from the same night at the Bridge Lounge (Google Maps Link) — he’s just so happy in this picture. I wish there was some way to easily remove “red eye” for pugs. I guess their retinas are different, reflecting a bluish-white light instead of red — not sure what’s up with that. Anyway, he’s freaking happy and cute here.

More on Dog-Cam

I was just browsing the Make Photopool on Flickr after watching episode 10 of Battlestar Galactica (which i got as a bittorrent off of torrentspy.com and i’ve been listening to the podcast from the BSG people, too), and I found this photo — higher resolution of the dog wearing the doggles + the video camera

is that enough buzzwords for you in a post? I’m such a geek. Gizmo & Gadget love me anyway.

Link to Dog-Cam Link to make flickr photopool

Pugs @ Mardi Gras

Gizmo @ Mardi Gras

Originally uploaded by jmatthew3.

I know this isn’t super-recent, but I’m catching up. I took this picture at the Bridge Lounge right before Mardi Gras this year. The Humane Society was having a party\dog ball, and the boys dressed as “Pugs of the Caribbean”

They didn’t win, but I got some nice pictures. This one shows Gizmo looking so pretty. There’s a reason we call him a girl sometimes, he’s just so feminine in his facial features.

Tricia got the outfits at Urban Outfitters, but they’re a little too big — if they wear them for more than 30 minutes or so, they wiggle themselves halfway out of the shirt.


I’m a make subscriber, and I read their blog, so when I came across this, I just had to post it here.

One of the guys at make magazine put a pair of Doggles (dog goggles) on his dog, strapped a video cam to the doggles, then attached a GPS to his dog.

Now, his dog can go around transmitting video & location. Beat that, robots!

Oh, and his dog is really cute too.

Oops — forgot the link to the site: Location based dog video

Gizmo at Bathtime

Gizmo at Bathtime

Originally uploaded by jmatthew3.

I can’t get over this picture, it’s just so freaking cute. Also, this is a test post — i’m using flickr to post photos to my blog.


UrbanPug Sticker!

I’ve been playing with cafepress, and I just uploaded a sticker. It’s kinda neat, just like those car stickers you see around.

pug sticker

Sam’s found a new home

Finally, Gizmo’s back (after having been with Lucy for a week at Pug Central) — he was so happy to see us again, and Gadget was excited to see Gizmo as well.

In other news, one of Gadget’s puppies with Lexy has found a home — you can see pictures of him here

Gadget is a ham

Gadget is crazy — he’s now into doing this thing where he lies in bed with you, and tries to squirm into nooks in the bed, rolling around. It’s really hilarious to watch him do it.

Anyway, last night gadg slept like a person (with his head on the pillow and legs towards the foot of the bed) — and Gonnie took the revered above-the-head spot. I’m going to try to get some pictures of gadg acting crazy and post them soon.

As promised, pictures of Gonnie

It’s getting easier for me to update now, the more familiar i become with this system. Anyway, here are some new pictures of Gonnie.

Gonnie is with us

Gizmo’s over at Pug Central to have some, er, fun (finally, some little momo’s), so I’ve got Gizmo & Gadget’s other brother, Gonnie, living with me for a week or so. He’s very attention starved because of his upbringing, but he’s really cute and lovable — he just needs attention!

Pictures to come

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