September 13, 2007 at 10:08 pm · Show more about: pillow, Pug
Tricia recently got a body pillow, one that wraps all the way around your body and can support your neck and your back at the same time.
Gadget has found this pillow, and he likes it. It’s the perfect size to wrap entirely around a pug. Will Tricia get to keep her pillow? Or will it be taken over by the pugs?
August 20, 2007 at 10:10 pm · Show more about: Pug
For those of you that check Urban Pug often, thanks for reading! Life’s been busy recently, and now the new school year starts. I’m now a second year law student, and I’m now a junior member of one of my school’s student-published law journals. (The technology one) Even though I’m busy, I’m not to busy for my pugs. My reason for this post is just to say, “hey I’m still here.”
Also, this picture is of Ipsy (named Res Ipsa Loquitur which is both Latin and a legal term which means something like “the thing speaks for itself” — and, if you know ipsy, she sure does speak for herself)
The [dog] park is surrounded on 3 sides with streets. Everytime a car goes down any of the streets she goes absolutely crazy. She runs in circles, too quickly gets to the end of her 14-foot leash and gets all stressed out. I am afraid that she will snap the leash or somehow get away from me and be injured or killed. I do not know what to do to correct this behavior. I have tried making her sit and watch the car, I have tried treats when she does not go crazy. Neither one worked.
When we lived in Florida Lexi had this same behavior; however, she was in a fenced yard so I just looked at it as a chance for her to excercise. We lived on a curve and she would actually run fast enough to get from one side of the backyard to the other before the car made it to the other side of the house.
When we moved up here I am very pleased (until 3-4 days ago) that she did not have the same behavior. Well, that is not the case now.
I NEED HELP BEFORE SOMETHING BAD HAPPENS TO MY BABY. is a website that’s a “simulated dog show” game. This game is similar to other online games where you collect, train, and compete with “virtual” characters, but it’s based on the sport of showing and breeding dogs. As the site claims about itself:
“You are the breeder, owner, handler, trainer, and groomer of your show dogs. You get to manage and budget the rations of food your dogs receive, how you breed your dogs, which shows you enter, and much, much more.”
To play this game, you first must sign up for an account. Then, you can buy some starter virtual dogs and train them, breed them, and put them in competitive dog shows. The game gets pretty intricate, as you can groom your dogs, train them, teach them tricks, change the type of food you feed them, etc. It’s very detailed.
Actually, it’s so detailed that there are 163 different breeds to choose from.
Also, you can take your successful dogs and breed them. Each dog has its own “virtual pedigree” and your online dogs can become champions. Then, once you build up your dogs, you can turn around and sell puppies to other players looking to get better dogs.
The game recognizes its top breeders and top promoters, too. So, if you’re good at playing, everyone will get know about it.
Oh, and the best part of the game? They’ve got pugs as one of the breeds you can play with!
July 29, 2007 at 1:27 pm · Show more about: meetups, Pug
We went to the pug meetup today, and Gizmo and Gadget had fun!
There were some of the usual characters, plus two NEW puppies from Holden (long time readers may remember that Gizmo and Gadget stayed in Holden for a while after Katrina. See here and here.) — The new puppies were, of course, super cute. Click here to see all the pictures from the meetup.
The picture to the right is of Gizmo peeking out between tricia’s legs.
July 27, 2007 at 10:14 am · Show more about: Pug, ridiculous
Gizmo is getting more and more ridic lately. His quirks keep getting more and more pronounced. Now, whenever he’s had a busy day, he’ll run and get in bed before the normal bedtime, and he’ll get annoyed and sigh / puff when we’re still up moving around / making noise around the house.
Anyway, one night he was in bed already asleep, so I decided to tuck him in!
I’m not running this contest, but I saw that was running a contest to win some prizes for submitting photos. Anyone who submits a photo can win the prizes. Also, some of the best pictures will be selected and published in a book of photos! So if you have a good picture, then submit it! You might win a prize and you might get published.
Click here to get to the contest page. (contest is over)
P.S., voting will end soon on the forums contest, so get yer vote in!
In the forums, Danabug asks about moving her pugs from sleeping in the bed to sleeping next to the bed. I responded there, but if others have any input, go help her out! All I’ll say here is that Gizmo and Gadget are HUGE pillow hogs.
Gizmo will sleep on top of any number of pillows, as long as he can climb up there.
Tricia’s still studying for the bar exam, and I’m busy with class, work, and some for-fun projects. However, here’s a quick shot of Gizmo at Tricia’s computer while she’s studying in the next chair.
We think he secretly knows how to get out of the kitchen and onto the computer during the day when we’re gone. He’s using his time to get on IM and plan for ultimate world domination in between his requisite dose of daily naps.
Don’t forget about the forums contest. You can still post to win. There have been some really great pug postings made, especially in the “What is something funny your pug does?” thread.
July 8, 2007 at 10:02 pm · Show more about: Pug, shedding
Gizmo and Gadget got a bath today. They’re fairly overdue for one, but they don’t like them and they shed like CRAZY afterwards. Literally, for at least a day, they shed about 10x normal. I’ve tried some Jojoba Chamomile Organic Shampoo, and it helps. That, along with a LOT of furminating (you have your furminator, don’t you?) can really help the shedding for a while. Last time I gave them a bath with this shampoo (and furminated them a lot), they stopped shedding (90%) for a week or two.
Pug Shedding: You can’t stop it, you can only hope to contain it.
Anyway, G&G hate the water, but they love the towel-off. It’s a close #2 to gadget’s love of bagels. (He’s becoming known as Sir Gadget Von Bagelton). To see how much they hate the water, you can click on the image, and go to the gallery to see the other picture I posted — it’s them sitting in the bathtub as far away from the rising water as possible.
Gizmo and Gadget do. In fact, Gizmo has been completely ridiculous, recently. He gets on the red chair in the picture, which is right behind where tricia has been studying, and he puts his head on another chair. He’s simultaneously perched up high and resting his chin on something. I think he’s pretty much found his spot. Don’t forget, we’re still having the Urban Pug Forums contest (sponsored by — Post in the forums to win!
Breeder Retriever is basically a “dog encyclopedia” — It has all sorts of information about the various breeds, including the pug breed. The pug page has all the standard information you’d expect about pugs, including a description of the breed, information about pug temperament, and information about how to care for your pug. While much of this information is well known by those of us who have pugs, the site is a good resource for someone who doesn’t know very much about pugs and is at the very first stages of determining which breed is right for them.
The coolest thing about the page is that is gives “star ratings” to the various attributes of each breed. For example, pugs score high on playfulness, affection, and sociability with other dogs. These star ratings make it really easy to go from breed to breed, comparing to see which dog is right for you. They even have a “breed selector” tool that asks you a few questions and suggests a breed for you.
Overall, this site puts together a good deal of top level information about pugs, and I’d recommend the site to anyone who needs to find out the basics about any dog breed.