Archive for Pug
June 24, 2007 at 9:07 pm · Show more about: Pug

Today, we went to the New Orleans Pug Meetup. We hadn’t been in a while, as we’ve just had one thing after another conflict with actually making it. Anyway, we met Roxy there. You might remember Roxy, who was stuck in Baptist Hospital in New Orleans after Katrina (along with my dad). We posted about her back in October 2005.
Click here to see all the pictures from today’s Pug Meetup.
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June 21, 2007 at 5:58 pm · Show more about: Pug
Burger King is giving away $100,000 to a charity in New Orleans.
The Father Harry Tompson Center helps the homeless in New Orleans.
The groups that are winning the voting right now are two private local girls’ high schools. I think that $100,000 to the Father Harry Tompson Center will benefit society much more than the same amount to private high schools.
You can vote DAILY. Please help!
- Go online to .
- Click on line that reads ‘Click here to vote for New Orleans‘.
- Enter your birthday on the line (mm/dd/yyyy) and then click the circle next to the line that reads ‘Father Harry Tompson Center‘.
- Finally click ‘vote‘.
Thank YOU!
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June 20, 2007 at 9:33 pm · Show more about: Pug
We’re running a contest. You can win your choice of “The Wall” tank or “Dog Save the Queen” tank from
What do you have to do to win? You have to post in the forums in a constructive way. It’s up to you what you want to say or add, but the more, the better! We want to hear about why YOU love pugs, but anything will do! What’s that funny thing your pug does? Have a question about pugs? At the end of the contest, I’ll select a few of the posts from the forums, and I’ll have a vote on the best post.
So, go over to the forums, and see if you have what it takes to WIN!
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June 15, 2007 at 8:11 pm · Show more about: Pug

Today, Gizmo and Gadget met Max the Bulldog. I couldn’t get any good pictures of Max with either of the Pugs, but I did get a couple good close up shots of just Max. You can click on the image to go to the Urban Pug Pictures site. Right now, I’m using it to host all the images I post to urban pug, but it’s open for anyone to upload your own pug images, if you want.
I know there are a lot of people out there who would love to see YOUR pictures!
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June 11, 2007 at 8:01 pm · Show more about: Pug
This weekend, Gizmo and Gadget had a little visitor! Tricia’s friend brought his daughter over to play with the pugs for a little while, and here’s one of the pictures!
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June 9, 2007 at 9:11 pm · Show more about: Pug
After about 2 years of the old design, I’ve upgraded the site to a fresh look. I’ve got more things in the pipeline, but for now, I hope everyone likes the new look!
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May 31, 2007 at 4:34 pm · Show more about: Pug
We just had our 1st Anniversary last weekend, and we got to eat the “saved” topmost layer of our wedding cake that had been in the freezer. No, it wasn’t as good as it was originally, but it was good enough for some pugs to want a taste, too. Guess who got some?

P.S. — If you ever know someone who saves part of a wedding cake, seal it up extra triple air-tight. Ours was wrapped, but it could have been wrapped more.
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May 26, 2007 at 10:02 pm · Show more about: Pug
Here’s what sleeping with a pug in your bed looks like. Gizmo sleeps up at the top of the bed, and every morning, we wake up to pug in our face. We wake up and get out of bed, but they stay in bed for another 45 minutes (at least). At that point, i’m getting ready to take them on a morning walk, and they know the signs. Sometimes I wonder how long they would sleep if I just was really quiet and let them sleep.
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May 26, 2007 at 10:01 am · Show more about: Pug
Just a quick note: (an Urban Pug sponsor) is having a memorial day sale. A portion of all sales go towards Pug Rescue, so you can feel good about your purchase.
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May 23, 2007 at 6:09 pm · Show more about: Pug

Honestly, I think they go a little bit too far with this, but parts of it are kinda funny.
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May 20, 2007 at 12:11 pm · Show more about: Pug
This weekend, we had an “Anni-birth-uation” BBQ party for Tricia. One of the things I made was Pulled Pork, which turned out very well. To go with the pork, Gadget gave me his “secret pig sauce” recipe, which I made and served. However, he made me promise to keep his secret sauce a SECRET!
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May 15, 2007 at 11:28 am · Show more about: Pug
Last Friday, Tricia graduated from Law School! Gadget got into her robes and cap and wanted us to take a picture of him, so he could pretend that he was graduating too.
So, Gadget’s a graduate too. Isn’t he cute?
* Technically, Tricia only has a Juris Doctor. She’s not a Lawyer yet.
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May 1, 2007 at 12:32 pm · Show more about: Pug
Just a quick update. We’re currently in the middle of finals, so that’s why posting has been scarce.
Tricia’s last final ever is tomorrow.
Oh, and there is a question about a malformed sternum in the forums. If anyone knows about this problem, let us know.
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April 15, 2007 at 11:14 am · Show more about: Pug
I’ve talked before about cleaning Pug Wrinkles, but I’ll say it again. It’s really important. The skin inside the crease can trap moisture, yeast, or other nastiness. Over time, this can cause severe irritation and eventually sores will develop. This can lead to irritation, discomfort, and even infection.
So, for your Pug’s health, you should clean out his or her folds about once per week. You can use whatever product you want, but I suggest malacetic wipes, which I have talked about previously.
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April 12, 2007 at 3:16 pm · Show more about: Pug
I’m not sure if this picture captures the sheer ridiculousness of this, but it at least comes a bit close. This is how ridiculous gizmo is in the morning, taking up almost all of tricia’s pillow.
They especially like the time after we wake up, but before we make them get out of bed, because they get to sleep wherever they want (we’re not in the way anymore)
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