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We’re in Baton Rouge

Tricia and I drove from Houston to Baton Rouge last night, getting in at about 1 AM. My parents, myself and Tricia are all staying in a home with a very gracious doctor my dad met at Women’s Hospital. We’re staying here until we’re able to move into a home that my parents just bought — it’s nothing fancy, but it will do just fine.

There are lots of very dynamic, interesting forces at play here, with Baton Rouge going from 250k to 500k people literally overnight. Everyone’s looking for work, homes, etc. luckily, i’ll still have some kind of work, and Tricia’s in law school at LSU. It looks like everything’s going to be OK for now, for us.

However, I’m hearing stories of things that have happened to people, and I feel the need to tell some of them later on, but not just yet.

Also, Tricia’s parents are here in Baton Rouge too, and they’re staying with the Littles of DuLittle Pugs. So, they’ve got the whole fleet of Silk Dragon pugs with the fleet of DuLittle pugs (both pug showers/breeders) — making THIRTY SEVEN pugs staying in one place. The name of this place is no longer Pug Central, it’s now Pug City.

Today, we’re going to be reunited with Gizmo and Gadget.

I’ll get some pictures — more later!

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I know it’s not normal pug-material (i’ll get to that once i get my computers set back up again), but here are two articles i found interesting about new orleans and katrina.

One by Anne Rice in the NYT

Another one

Gizmo, Gadget, and Gonnie are safe!!!


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