No pictures, but this morning, Gizmo and Gadget both hopped into the NEIGHBOR’s car on their early morning walk. Usually, gizmo will hop into my car as soon as i open the door, but gadget resists (i have to pick him up and put him in the car).
However, today, they wanted a ride so badly that they’d take it from anyone who’d give it to them. Unfortunately, they had to wait until i got home from work at about 8 (i drove into new orleans today for work). When I got home, tricia and I ate dinner, then we took the pugs on a ride while *we* got some baskin & robbins.
And, i wish i had my camera, because g&g both got to lick spoons, and it was freaking cute.
“cuteness explosion!”
also, please send in pictures! we want your pictures! !