Today, Tricia took Gizmo and Gadget to the vet for a checkup. Overall, they’re healthy, but we have a few problems. First, their teeth really, really need a cleaning. We’ve known they needed help, but it’s time to do it. Friday, they’re going in for a good cleaning. While they’re at it, they’re going to go in and clean up some of the buildup in their ears. I know it’s not good, but we don’t clean their ears out as often or as thoroughly as we should.
I’m hoping the teeth cleaning helps their breath.
Most importantly, though, and, well, I suppose I’m eating my own words here, but gadget is officially overweight. He clocked in today at just under 28 pounds, which is entirely too big. We thought he was “pleasantly plump” at 24 pounds, but, for whatever reason, he has kept on putting on the weight. So, we’re going to need to make some changes around here. I’m not sure what they are yet, though.
He gets 3 walks a day, and we can’t really walk any LONGER than we do already — most of their walks are in the New Orleans summertime heat. Pugs just cant go outside for that long in the heat here.
I may just have to break down and get a treadmill.
If you have any ideas for helping out with Gadget’s weight, let me know in the Urban Pug Forum