Today, Gizmo and Gadget went under anesthesia to have their teeth cleaned. Everything went OK, but gizmo had to have 1 baby tooth and 2 permanent teeth pulled, because of cavities. Also, gadget had a really rare, non-preventable type of worm, which we’ve got some pills for. It’s nothing serious, but it’s good to get it taken care of before it gets to be serious.
Anyway, gizmo got his name for a reason, so it was fitting that we couldn’t feed him after midnight last night, before going under.
So, post-vet, the boys are very subdued, all they want to do is lie around — they are obviously feeling bad. In the picture, you can see gadget’s shaved leg where the IV was placed. If you want to see a close up, you can see one in my post in the forums.
So, I think the solution to pug breath IS teeth cleaning, but you can’t do it very often. If anyone has any suggestions, please, bring them to the forums.