November 20, 2005 at 12:21 am · Show more about: Pug
Ok, so we’ve known about Puggles for a while now — they’re Pug-Beagle Hybrids (you can see some pictures here and here).
We just saw them on the most recent “best week ever” show on VH1, and i have to say, they ARE cute, especially as puppies. However, PUGS ARE TOTALLY BETTER!!!!
I mean, I look at a puggle, then i look at gadget, and i’m like, “omg how could anyone want a puggle when they could have gadg!”
So we won’t be getting a puggle anytime soon.
Interestingly, though, right now we’re living with 2 pugs and a beagle.
Also, Tricia used to live with Chiggy, who was a Pug-Pekingese hybrid. (He looked just like a pug, just not a show pug)
Anyway, here’s Gadget sleeping — if you notice his left eye, he’s got some kind of eye infection/sty going — i’m going to have to take him to a vet on monday if it doesnt get any better.
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November 18, 2005 at 1:04 am · Show more about: Pug, Pugs Around The World
First off, you guys are awesome. I just think it’s amazing that I can sell 10-15 stickers/shirts per month, which I make basically nothing on, but I like doing it. I’m currently figuring out how to make a “rampant pug” tshirt (the rampant lion is part of the royal standard of the united kingdom — I’ve got this idea in my head, and if i were more of a visual artist, it would already be a t-shirt.
Anyway, here’s the most recent “pug from around the world” — it’s of Sasha and Sage and sent by Andrea Orange County, CA.
Bananas are their favorite food, although they won’t turn down much.
Sasha likes to get real close to your face and breath, she really likes mouths.
They both like going for walks, playing in the yard with their “daddy” (ed: G&G like that too), visiting both sets of “grandparents” (ed: again, G&G too), and following “mommy” wherever she goes, either full physically or just watching…
Anyway, I’ve got more submissions to post here, so keep them coming. Send pictures and descriptions of your pugs to
Oh, and in more recent URBAN PUG news, I actually went to our residence today and cleaned up for the first time in months. We had cleaned the fridge out and taken things to Baton Rouge, but today I took down party decorations from my birthday (aug. 22) that were still hanging, because nobody’s been living in the house.
New Orleans is still this eerie place to be, half lived in, half vacant. Everyplace closes at odd times, and it’s just strange to be around.
I want to go back.
Anyway, happy pugging,
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November 10, 2005 at 8:21 pm · Show more about: Pug, Pugs Around The World
Here’s another submitted photo from our “Pugs Around the World” series. This photo is from Ruby (Fawn) and Rex (Black) from Portland, Oregon.
Ruby will be 4 in January, Rex is now 2. They both love to play ball and wrestle. In the summer they love to play at the park, where Rex loves to fetch the Frisbee and Ruby likes soccer.
Gadget is a huge fan of Chai Tea, which, according to the package, comes from Oregon. He wonders who likes Chai better, Rex or Ruby.
We salute you, Portland Pugs!
If you’d like to be a part of “Pugs Around the World,” please email
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November 9, 2005 at 8:45 pm · Show more about: Pug
Gadget has been busy this year making a lot of babies! This is a photo of his latest litter. Seen here are Camille, Katrina, Rita & Ivan…aka the Hurricanes. The puppy with its belly up is named Ivan. We like to call him “Ivan the Terrible!” He is HUGE. He’s literally the fattest puppy we’ve ever seen. He takes after his father, but might just outgrow him. We are currently waiting on a new litter that was fathered by Gizmo. We’ll keep you posted on the current and future puppies!
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November 6, 2005 at 10:52 am · Show more about: Pug
I took this picture the other day — it’s just an example of how they love to get in the car — with or without us! (With us on a ride to someplace fun, they hope)
Anyway, Tricia and I are going to Houston today to see Depeche Mode tomorrow night.
We’ll also be visiting her brother’s family, including Mookie (the beagle).
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November 4, 2005 at 12:29 am · Show more about: Pug
No pictures, but this morning, Gizmo and Gadget both hopped into the NEIGHBOR’s car on their early morning walk. Usually, gizmo will hop into my car as soon as i open the door, but gadget resists (i have to pick him up and put him in the car).
However, today, they wanted a ride so badly that they’d take it from anyone who’d give it to them. Unfortunately, they had to wait until i got home from work at about 8 (i drove into new orleans today for work). When I got home, tricia and I ate dinner, then we took the pugs on a ride while *we* got some baskin & robbins.
And, i wish i had my camera, because g&g both got to lick spoons, and it was freaking cute.
“cuteness explosion!”
also, please send in pictures! we want your pictures! !
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November 1, 2005 at 4:41 pm · Show more about: Pug
It’s been a while since I’ve been able to post, I’ve been busy with work and with PUGS!
Last week, Gizmo went to Pug City to, well, make some baby Pugs, so we had Demi stay with us.
Demi is REALLY demanding — she pretty much demands your attention at any point in time that she’s not eating or sleeping. It’s all about holding or being pet.
She’s now fully grown, although she must be about 14 pounds to Gadget’s 21 — we’ve joked about Gadget being Demi wearing a “Fat Suit.”
Anyway, she’s back home now, and Gizmo is back with us. We didn’t do anything special for Halloween, but we’re SURE some pugs across the world did, so if you’ve got any pictures, send ’em in, and we’ll post em!
Since we don’t have any Halloween Pug Pictures, here are some pics at flickr.
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October 22, 2005 at 7:47 am · Show more about: Pug, Pugs Around The World
Thank you for the pug submissions we have gotten so far and please keep them coming! This week’s featured Pug Around the World is from our home city/state: New Orleans, Louisiana. Her name is Roxy and she is 2 years old (just like Gizmo & Gadget! — they are 10 days younger!). This is a photo of Roxy and her mom Lynn evacuating by boat after the hurricane. During the hurricane, Roxy and her family went to a local hospital where Lynn’s husband works. The rest of the story is common knowlege by now. Finally, a few days after Katrina hit, Roxy and her family were evacuated from the hospital and made it out safe and sound. Thank goodness! We salute Roxy and her family for their bravery. We’re sure Roxy is somewhere right now being a good little pug and bringing joy and happiness to all. We almost evacuated to that very same hospital with Gizmo & Gadget. Not all the people or pets survived and we think of that every day. Hope to meet you someday Roxy!
Also, if you’re like to send in your pictures and bio, please email Gadget. His email address is
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October 18, 2005 at 7:21 am · Show more about: Pug
The trip to Philly went well, except for the fact that we left a carry on bag in the taxi as we got out at the airport. Lost are a bunch of replacable but somewhat expensive items.
In better news, we saw some pugs in philly, and here’s one of them that we saw on South Street — a black Pug named Rocky!
Also, I’d like to announce two new things we’re going to be doing here. First, it’s “Ask A Pug” — You can email to ask either Gizmo or Gadget a question.
Second, we’d like to profile pugs around the world here, whether you’re urban, suburban, or rural pugs, send us your pictures and a bio, and we’d like to show them to the world! — Gadget will be handling mail for that, so if you’re interested, send mail to
You can get that information later by clicking the links up at the top of the page.
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October 11, 2005 at 10:02 pm · Show more about: Pug
I just had to catch this picture. Gadget’s been hopping into things recently. First this, next the suitcase while we’re packing to go to Philadelphia.
Any suggestions for what to do or see in the off time up there?
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October 9, 2005 at 9:44 pm · Show more about: Pug
Well, we’re getting set up more and more every day here in BR. We’re lucky. We have a place to live and a home to go back to.
we’re upgraded to having paid for cable, non-“borrowed” internet, and an actual TV in our room, now. I’m having a little trouble motivating myself to get TOO settled in here, because, before i know it, I’ll be back in new orleans. We’ll be back around Christmas.
In other news, tricia’s friend marguerite is getting married next weekend, and the wedding had to be moved from new orleans to philadelphia, so we’re flying up there for the wedding, and to see tricia’s college friend, val.
should be fun.
oh, and the other funny thing is — downstairs, we have two doorways next to each other, one is open, with two ottomans blocking it (because my mother wants to keep her dog out of the rest of the house). Anyway, gizmo and gadget have figured it out, totally. Gizmo just jumps over the ottomans, and gadget is big enough to push the door open (it’s one of those weighted swingy doors)
it’s just funny, because they both go where they want to, they just do it in totally different ways. Gizmo is the ballerina jumping over things, and gadget just busts through the door, as if he’s the kool-aid man.
i’ll have to get pictures of those and post ’em.
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October 6, 2005 at 10:37 pm · Show more about: Pug
Gizmo and Gadget are back to their routine of sleeping at my feet while i type away at the computer. Here, he’s wedged in between the pole of the card table i’m using as a desk and the wall.
Gizmo did something today that he hasn’t done in quite a while — he did “The Bullet” — even though it was just a “mini” bullet. My sister and I were playing with him, and he was getting really, really excited, and he was running around in circles.
So, anyway, in this picture, he’s basically zonked out from a day of playing and running up and down the stairs.
Oh, and you know what sucks today? I can’t rent a u-haul (or another truck) for about 2 weeks, which means more aerobed time.
Also, i’d like to remind you that you can go send pretty much any recent (and some not so recent) pictures i’ve posted as e-cards, by going to my pug e-cards page.
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October 5, 2005 at 10:45 pm · Show more about: Pug
G and G are adjusting to life in Baton Rouge, as are Tricia and I. I think it’s harder for us.
We’re working on our living space, but we’re still sleeping on aerobeds, which, well, sucks. Right now, I’m sleeping on one, and Gizmo, Gadget, and Tricia are sleeping on another. If everything goes perfectly, I’ll have a mattress to sleep on in a few day.
It doesn’t really bother me immediately — it’s more of a “the sum of the parts … sucks” kind of thing.
But in better news, the boys are getting like 10 walks per day, and they are just loving all the attention they’re getting. Additionally, they are going up and down stairs many times a day, adding to their exercise, which is a good thing.
I need to go get them their real food — do any of you have suggestions for what good Pug Food is? I usually get “Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover’s Soul” brand dogfood, which is very, very good.
Any help?
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October 4, 2005 at 8:53 pm · Show more about: Pug
Just an update — I know some of these names are hard to keep track of.
Tricia’s parents have several girls in the first generation of show pugs (for them)
Indy, Lucy, Lexy, Ipsy. They also have the younger Demi (black pug), Emerson (Black, non-show), Chrissy (Prematurely retired show pug), and Gonnie (Gizmo and Gadget’s brother)
Gizmo mated with one of the Dulittle Pugs in Holden, LA, and one of those pugs is Petunia.
Gadget has mated with 2 or 3 Dulittle Pugs, one of the boys is Titan, and another is Ivan. (There’s also Camille, Katrina, and Rita — I think). Ivan and Titan are notable because as puppies, they’re both really BIG and have thick bones, and are very square — which are good show pug qualities.
Gadget has also mated with Indy and Lexy. Some of those puppies are Spirit, Starry, and Snowy.
Gonnie accidentally mated with Ipsy, who just had puppies.
Also, to answer a question from the comments — pugs don’t need to have c-sections, necessarily. There is a problem with smaller dogs, though. If you have a small dog who has, say, 4 puppies, versus a dog who is having 2 puppies, the space inside is pretty much the same, and the gestation period is the same. What varies is the size of the puppy. If there are two puppies, they will grow bigger, if there are 4, they won’t grow as big while still in the womb.
So, the problem arises when you have a small dog, like a pug, having a small litter — two puppies. In that case, the puppies might be too big to be birthed naturally, and a c-section may be required.
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October 3, 2005 at 9:47 pm · Show more about: Pug
This weekend, Ipsy had her puppies! She’s being a great mother, except she can still be a little bit needy herself.
It’s funny, because of all the pugs i’ve been around, ipsy is the first puppy that i’ve actually known since she was a puppy to have her own puppies.
Of course, Gizmo and Gadget both have kids running around, but it’s different knowing the mother.
Anyway, the even bigger news is that we’re moved into a temporarily permanent house, and G&G have moved in with us. Also, i’ve got the internet working a little bit better now, so I should be able to get back into the swing of things posting here.
We’re still in Baton Rouge, but right now the plan is to move back to New Orleans when this semester is over at LSU Law. It would be hard to move back right now, anyway. I still dont think I have electricity, and it’s going to be 50+ days from now until I have potable water.
Anyway, for now, Gizmo and Gadget aren’t Urban Pugs — they’re more like Moderately Rural Suburban Pugs.
Oh, and I just ordered a furminator. Will let everyone know what I think.
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