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More Luchador Pugs

A classmate of mine knows I like pugs, and sent me this link to some luchdor pugs. Without even thinking about how strange it was, I showed her Shelby’s Luchador Costume.

It was only after I sent her the link that I realized how ridiculous (or awesome!) it is that I already have that in my head.

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Martine Hugs Gizmo

Martine loves hugging the pugs. Gadget will get slightly annoyed with her and walk away. Oopsy is skittish, and will avoid her too. However, Gizmo will tolerate her much more, and when he does, this is what happens — he gets lots of hugs.


Happy Easter!


The last three years, Gadget has been the Easter Pug. This year, it’s Gizmo.

However, the second picture is Gadget with the ears on, pouncing on the grass. He wasn’t in the mood to sit still for Easter Pictures, so he let Gizmo have his turn.

Useful Pug Products

Does your pug play fetch?

Does your pug play fetch? Ours don’t. However, we have a child for that.

You can see HD versions of the video on youtube or on facebook.

Mukilteo Pug


We are at a wedding outside of Seattle this weekend, and the pugs couldnt come with us, so all we got to take is Tivo, Martine’s toy pug. So, this is a picture of Tivo in front of the Mukilteo Ferry at the Silver Cloud Inn in Mukilteo, Washington.

There wasnt much time to do much of anything besides attend the wedding events, but we did get to go eat Fish and Chips (Tricia had Clams) for lunch at a Fish and Chips stand called Ivar’s. We even saw someone with a PUG at the Fish Stand! The stand is there because there’s a public park nearby and because people waiting for the ferry need to get a quick meal while waiting… The wait for the Ferry when we arrived was 90 minutes!!!

Ok, it’s a joke.

I don’t think I fooled anyone, but yes, it was a joke.

A new focus…


I’ve really enjoyed the past few years of running Urban Pug. However, I think it’s time for a change of focus. You see, I’ve had a passion aside from pugs for some time now, and I think it’s about time to officially change the focus of this blog. Now, the blog will no longer be called “Urban Pug.” Rather, the new title is “Urban Spider.”

I just love spiders. I can’t get over how cute they are, once you get used to them. The picture here is of our new spider pet, Webster. He’s a new addition to the family, and I think over time, you’ll come to find him just as cute and lovable as you have found Gizmo, Gadget, and Oopsy.

As for Tricia and Martine, well, I’m working on getting them adjusted to Spiders.

Gadget & Martine!


Sometimes, we take Martine in her stroller along with us when we walk the dogs, and sometimes, Gadget likes to ride back home in the back seat.

This is what it looks like when we get home. Gadget’s just poking his head out, as happy as can be, and Martine loves riding in the stroller, so she’s super happy too.

I can only imagine what people passing by in their cars think.


This next picture is of Gadget and Martine at (Martine’s) dinner time.

Martine and Gadget have sort of a “pact.” He lets her have her space in the house, so long as she provides him with extra treats. Here, he’s waiting for her to fulfill her end of the bargain and push some of her food off her highchair onto the floor.

Actually, the pugs are GREAT at cleanup. Any food she throws on the floor, and any food left over when she decides she’s finished eating, well, there’s a pug for that! It’s gotten so routine, that they just sit there and wait for the food to fall and for the tray to eventually be left on the floor for “cleaning.”

One of Gadget’s Favorite Chin Rests


I’m not sure why exactly he likes this place, but he certainly does. Gadget loves to put his chin in between the spokes of my rolling chair. I think it has something to do with the plastic floor cover – it’s a little bit cooler than just being on the carpet.

Oh, and sometimes, there will be two or three pugs, all fitting into the chair leg slots. How weird is that?

What places to your pugs like to go? Why do you think they like it so much?


Even though Gizmo does sometimes like to do the same thing that Gadget’s doing in the picture, he will usually try to be up high, on a chair or on the back of a sofa as opposed to being on the ground.

This is of him sitting on one of the chairs in the office.

Dog Behavior Problem Tip #2

Tip #2: Always provide positive reinforcement.

It is too easy to fall into the habit of saying “no” for bad behavior instead of saying “yes” to good behavior. In order to help train your dog, look for easy things he can do, like “sit” or “stay” or “lie down.” Practice these behaviors, and praise your dog for compliance. After he is able to do a few things, when he is misbehaving, you can tell him to perform a command. For example, if your dog likes to jump on people, you can tell him to “sit.” By giving him something to do, he will do that instead of the negative behavior. This way, you can break him of his bad habit.

See more Dog Guides and Dog Tips.

Happy Mardi Gras!


Gadget is enjoying his reign this year as King of (Pug) Mardi Gras. No, King of Mardi Gras is not Rex, it’s Gadget.

My Puggy Valentine


Happy Valentine’s Day from Urban Pug! We hope everyone has a great day!

The first picture, I call “Longing for You,” because of how Gizmo is looking out of the window, as if he’s waiting for someone. The second picture is “Lover Pug.” Isn’t Gizmo cute in these? He actually had a lot of fun shooting these, as it was HIM that was getting the attention, over the others.

Also, we would have included some candy in this Valentine’s Day post, but uh-oh, Gadget ate it! Too bad, maybe next year!

P.S., If you’re looking to share, you can send these pictures as E-Cards using the Urban Pug Picture Gallery. Just click on the picture, and in the left hand column, one of the options is “Send as E-Card.” Alternatively, you can now share posts on Urban Pug on Facebook by clicking the “Share on Facebook” link just below.

Martine’s Safety Blanket…


Martine’s Safety Blanket is not a blanket. It is a pug. At night, when she is trying to get comfortable while sleeping, she grabs for … PUG FUR.

The pugs don’t mind. I they just snuggle up with her just like anyone else. Just about the only problem is that they don’t always realize that stepping on her isn’t very nice to do. So, we have to be careful when letting them up into the bed, so as to avoid any accidental “wake ups.”

If your Pug were a TV Network…?

If your Pug were a TV Network, which network would it be? For us, Gadget would, of course, be Food Network with a little bit of Disney mixed in there because he’s all cute and cuddly. Gizmo would be Bravo, with a bit of Telemundo because he’s a bit edgier, and he loves Latinos. Oopsy would be a combination of Oxygen and VH1.

What would your pug be? Why?

Dog Behavior Problem Tip #1 – Exercise

One of the most common reasons why dogs have problems is because they’re not getting enough exercise. You see, when you leave, your dog can’t read books, watch TV, or play video games. So, he gets bored and has no outlet for his energy. And, when your dog has lots of energy, he will look around for things to do. Those “things” he finds to do are what we consider “behavior problems.”

So, one of the best things you can do to correct problem behaviors is to make sure your dog gets lots of exercise. A tired dog is a good dog.

See more Dog Guides and Dog Tips.

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