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Canine Cooler Bed?

Tricia just found a canine cooler in a catalog.  It would be perfect for gadget, because he is always getting out of bed to go lie down on the tiles, where it’s cool.

Has anyone tried one of these?

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What are the most common pug behavior problems?

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What behavior problems have you had?  How did you fix it?

Martine is the size of a pug…


Martine is the size of a pug… and she begs like one too!  She now is able to recognize that we’re eating food, reach out for that food, and make a fuss until she gets what she wants.  These are some pictures of her doing just that.

Notice that she is just about the size of a pug, and she’s about the same weight, too.  Last doctor’s visit (2 weeks ago) she was about 22 pounds, which is just slightly less than what Gizmo weighs.


Useful Pug Products

Dog Cupcakes – PUPCAKES!


There is a local cupcake bakery called the Kupcake Factory that makes dog cupcakes on Saturdays.

We really like their cupcakes, and our pugs LOVE the Pupcakes!!  They are bananna bread-like with peanut butter frosting, and the pugs devour them!

Also, if you’re on Facebook, please become a FAN of Urban Pug – click here to visit our page on facebook.  You will be able to see pictures and videos there that might not always make it onto Urban Pug.  Right now, there is one video of Gizmo in a Baby Swing that I’m not sure if I posted to here or not.  So, please join and tell others to do the same!

Happy Halloween


Tricia bought Martine a monkey costume this year, and we took pictures out in the front yard with the pugs and our pumpkins.


After we did that, though, my dad somehow found out about a “special” costume for sale at K-Mart, and he got this “special” costume for us. It was so perfect for us, that we had to take another set of pictures.

I don’t think this requires any extra explanation. Happy Halloween!


She Can Stand!


So, as this picture shows, Martine is now capable of standing.  However, she’s still a ways from doing it without holding on to anything or actually going somewhere once she stands up!  I thought this picture was good because it shows Gizmo and Gadget doing what they always do — Gizmo is sitting on the chair, and Gadget is sitting underneath — except that now they’re doing it with Martine in the picture, too!

Oh, and I have a funny story about Oopsy.  So, for some reason, and only at certain times, Oopsy acts afraid of me, and this only happens when it’s time to eat.  She won’t take treats from me, and she won’t eat her food right in front of me.  She’s also a little bit the same way around Gizmo or Gadget, only eating after they’ve left.

Anyway, whenever we leave the house, we put all the pugs in the kitchen, which has two exits.  We close the door at one exit, and we have a dog gate on the other exit.  So, usually, we  just give G and G a chicken jerky each, and we’re on our way.  Well, with Oopsy, I can’t do that, because she won’t get it — she’ll let Gizmo or Gadget have it (and they WILL take it if she doesnt!!).

I didn’t want her to be the only one not getting any chicken jerkies, so I had to do something about it!  Well, the dog gate on one of the exits to the kitchen only goes down so close to the ground because of the molding at the bottom of the walls.  Basically, there’s about 8-12 inches of molding from the floor up, and the dog gate can’t expand to fit properly in the whole space.  This leaves that 8-12 inch space below the gate.  Also, Oopsy is smaller than both G&G, and one day I realized (when we got home and she wasn’t in the kitchen) that Oopsy was capable of shimmying underneath the dog gate!

Once I realized this, it became clear that the easiest way to give her the chicken jerkies (and her food generally) was to put it on the other side of the gate!  She can get it whenever she wants, and she’ll be protected from either Gizmo or Gadget’s taking it.

And, yes! It works just fine.  However, it’s worked SO WELL that there’s an unintended consequence!  Normal pug behavior when chicken jerkies are about to be dispensed is to BEG.  Well, Oopsy’s behavior is now to run into the kitchen, past Gizmo and Gadget begging, and to shimmy under the gate as fast as she can!

Who says Pugs aren’t smart?

Banana Peanut Butter Dog Cake Recipe


This is the recipe for the cake I made for Gizmo and Gadget’s 5th Birthday. Just as a note, I think dog cake recipe I made last year came out better, except I like the icing on this one a lot better. It’s essentially peanut butter buttercream, and who doesn’t like that?

This recipe is relatively easy to make. The only part to note is that it does take a relatively long time to bake and cool, so plan ahead. And don’t ice until it’s all the way cooled down!!

For cake:
2 cups water
2 ripe bananas
1/8 teaspoon vanilla
3 cups flour (whole wheat preferred, but I used all purpose
1/2 tablespoon baking powder
1 egg
2 tablespoons honey

For icings:
1/2 cup cottage cheese
1/4 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup vegetable shortening (or butter)
food coloring
enough powdered sugar

Heat oven to 350.
Mix cake ingredients.
Place in one 8 or 9 inch cake pan.
Cook for 60 to 75 minutes.
For icing, mix cottage cheese and if you’re feeling nice, a bit of powdered sugar and food coloring in a food processor until smooth. Use this to top the cake. Then, take the peanut butter and shortening or butter (at room temp) and mix really well. Then, add powdered sugar a little bit at a time, incorporating it into the icing completely before adding more. Keep adding until it’s sweet enough for your birthday dog.

Cover the cake with the cottage cheese icing, then decorate with the peanut butter icing. The peanut butter icing has extra sugar in it, so don’t use too much. However, this is a treat, so you be the judge.

To decorate, you can put the icing in a ziplock bag with a corner cut off, and use that as a piping bag. If you have icing piping nozzles, then you can do some really nice decorations with this icing. If you NEED a piping bag and nozzles, you can get them from Amazon relatively cheaply.

Happy 5th Birthday Gizmo and Gadget!



I can’t believe it.  They’re FIVE!

I baked a cake for them again this year.  I didn’t use last year’s dog cake recipe.  Instead, I modified another recipe on the internet to make a peanut butter and banana cake — they loved it! (and that peanut butter icing was really good by human standards, too!)

I took several pictures of the making & eating of the cake, and posted them in their own gallery.

I’ll do a separate post on the cake recipe itself.

More on Oopsy


First, Oopsy just turned THREE years old this week. Happy Birthday Oopsy! Now, some of you may have been wondering, “why is a dog named Oopsy? that is such a strange name!” — Well, yes, it is a weird name, but she got her name (officially, her show name is “Oops”) because Tricia’s parents (who breed pugs) did not intend for Ipsy (Oopsy’s mother) to get pregnant. Therefore, she’s an “Oops”

Also, here’s another funny thing about having a dog that responds to a commonly used word – whenever through circumstance we actually USE the word “oops,” Oopsy thinks we’re talking to her. She’s very good about coming when called — she will come running from the next room whenever she hears her name called. However, because we say “oops” in other context, she ALSO comes running whenever we’ve just made a mistake!

Talk about living up to your name!

The picture is of Oopsy taking a nap on our bed with Martine. Oops is really hyper, but when she calms down, she’s very loving. She just (still) needs to learn not to step on us!

Three Little Pigs


This is a picture of Gizmo, Oopsy, and Martine, all together on the bed. Oopsy is still learning what it’s like to live here, and she’s got some things down, but not others. For example, she knows that the best place to be at night is right on top of Tricia’s head, hogging all the pillows. However, she doesn’t yet fully appreciate, “don’t step on the humans.” She will walk on top of you without understanding that you want her to walk around you. This isn’t so bad for us (Oopsy is light), but even though she’s not anywhere near aggressive towards Martine, she’s a little bit… inconsiderate? Oblivious?

Oopsy definitely is a good dog, but she just needs to learn the rules a bit better.

Urban Pug Features

Remember, Urban Pug is more than just the blog.  It’s Urban Pug Tv, which showcases popular pug videos from YouTube.  It’s the Urban Pug Forums, where people ask and answer questions about pugs.  It’s Urban Pug Pictures, where not only do I post my pictures, but you can post your own.

Urban Pug is also sponsored by the advertisers in the far right column, labeled “Urban Pug Advertisers.”  Right now, they are Barkslope, FunnyFur, and PugSpeak.  Go visit them today!

Meet Oopsy!


Meet Oopsy.  She is a nearly three year old pug, which means that she was born right after Hurricane Katrina and lived as a very young puppy in Pug City (and here).  Her mother is Ipsy (who was on a Jones Soda Bottle), and her father is Gonnie, who is Gizmo and Gadget’s brother.  That means that G&G are her uncles!

Oopsy is going to live with us either temporarily or permanently, it’s not entirely clear yet.  However, for the time that she is here, we wanted to have her stay with us for a few reasons.  First, she’s very little.  She’s half the size of Gadget, easily.  That means that we now have a “little pug” for our “little girl” (Martine).  


Second, Oopsy is very active.  She runs around and and plays a lot.  Gadget does not run around and play.  He’s totally laid back.  Gizmo, on the other hand, does like to play.  However, it’s hard for a Pug to play when only one Pug wants to play.  Having Oopsy around means that Gizmo now has someone to chase.

There’s lots more to say about Oopsy, and I’ll get to it in time. So, for now, we’re living with three pugs, all of whom want to sleep in the bed that only has so much room.

We’re Back!


Ok, where to start? Just after arriving back home from living in Baton Rouge for 6 weeks, we immediately turned around and visited Tricia’s parents in Hilton Head. However, this time, we did something different — we took G&G with us! It was Gizmo and Gadget’s first REAL road trip! We drove through Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina. Of course, they’ve been to shows before, but they’ve been retired champions since 8 months (Gadget) and 9 months (Gizmo), so they really haven’t been on any trips for as long as they can remember.

Since Tricia’s parents live near the beach, this picture is of Gizmo, Gadget, and Martine together on the beach. Also, you can click here to see an entire album of pictures from the trip. There are some of Gizmo running around, and a few good shots of them with my new camera (Digital Rebel XSi).

After we got back from that trip, we recovered for a day, and then I started school (my 3rd year in law school). After a few days of school, the whole city had to evacuate because of Hurricane Gustav. However, we had already planned to go to New York for a wedding that weekend, and our flight was supposed to return us last Monday (Labor Day). We decided to go on the trip, and we left Gizmo and Gadget with my parents, who evacuated to Baton Rouge.

We ended up having to stay in New York and Philadelphia for a few days, while Gizmo and Gadget had to rough it in Baton Rouge without any power (or air conditioning). Fortunately, it wasn’t as hot as it could have been, and they managed to stay out of the heat.

Oh! One more thing, and it’s very important — We have a NEW ADDITION. However, you’ll have to check back later to see what (who?) it is.

Hurrcane Pugs!

This is just a quick update.  Gizmo and Gadget are safely evacuated to Baton Rouge.  However, Tricia, Martine, and I went to a wedding in New York for the weekend, and our flight back to New Orleans is, of course, canceled.   So … we’re stuck up north for the time being.

Jade the Pug from New Hampshire


This is a continuation of our series of “Pugs from Around the World” that began in 2003, when we featured Roxy, the Katrina Pug.

Today’s Pug is Jade, from New Hampshire. She’s five years old and is a rescue who came to live with her current family after her parents passed away. Now, Jade lives with Jennifer and Corey, who Jade charmed immediately just by cocking her head to the side! Jennifer says that Corey and Jade belong to a “Synchronized Snoring Team”, and she thinks they will be taking a top medal in this summer’s Olympic games!!


The picture above is of Jade dressed up in her party dress, with bows, and the picture to the left is of jade wearing her pink Doggles. I really think it’s cute to have black pugs wear pink (girls, of course) because the contrast of pink and black looks really nice.

Anyway, Jade loves to play “bunny” fetch and tug and eat carrots, and she hasn’t met a vegetable she doesn’t like. (Note – Gizmo and Gadget love veggies too, especially broccoli stems) Jade’s also had two litters of puppies, and Jade even gets to visit one of her puppies, Mickey. Also, Jennifer has sent us several pictures of Jade and her son, Mickey, which I have posted Jade’s Gallery. Click the link to go see all of her pictures.

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