April 9, 2008 at 11:13 pm · Show more about: food, tripe, tripett
I think you can guess who eats what.
Also, G&G are still getting along well with the Tripett Dog Food that I reviewed a while ago. We have a bunch of cans of wellness, so they still get that sometimes, but they very much prefer the tripe. We mix a small amount of the tripe with some dry food, sometimes mixing in a little bit of water. The water makes the tripe into a kind of “gravy” for the dry food. The boys really seem to like it.
As for the dry food, we rotate between different flavors of wellness dry food. The rotation is to keep things interesting. I find that if we stick to the same food every day, they get tired of the same thing over and over.
Also, I used to do a Pugs Around The World feature on Urban Pug, posting pictures of other pugs along with who they are and where they’re from. I’d like to start doing that sometimes. So, if you’d like to be featured as a “Pug from around the world” — Please go to the Urban Pug Pictures – Public Albums Section, then “register” for an account there, and then upload some pictures of your Pug. Then, if you send me an email with your details, I will try to post as many “pugs from around the world” as I can.
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April 6, 2008 at 9:17 pm · Show more about: martine, Pug
Whenever we arrive home after leaving Gizmo and Gadget alone, they get very excited and act a certain way. They also act the same way whenever one of us arrives home. For example, whenever I get home from school, the dogs get excited, they run and will act happy / excited for a little while. They run up to me and essentially are saying, “Hello! I missed you! Pet me!”
Well, I’ve noticed that they now will also say “hi” to martine when we get home. Our arriving home generally consists of me putting her carseat on the floor while I go outside and get other things from the car. While her carseat is on the floor, Gizmo and Gadget can hop right up, sniff her feet, and say hello.
I think it’s interesting because it’s another example of how they’re treating her just like they treat any other member of the family.
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March 31, 2008 at 8:53 pm · Show more about: breeders, guides, martine, Pug, puppies, puppy
If you are looking for a local pug puppy breeder or if you’re trying to figure out if the one you’re talking to is reputable, you need to read this post. It’s extremely important to get your Pug puppy from a reputable breeder. Pugs, like many other pure bred dogs, are susceptible to certain disorders. Good breeders will be less likely to sell you a dog that has problems common to the breed. Therefore, you need to find a reputable breeder.
Why do certain breeders produce better Pug puppies than others?
From the Pug Dog Club of America’s Code of Ethics:
Breeders shall exercise great care when selecting stud dogs or brood bitches. Breeders shall use stock of characteristic type, exhibit soundness, stable temperament, be in good health and condition and be free of communicable diseases and serious genetic defects. Breeders do not breed just for the pet market and believe the only justifiable reason to breed is to improve the breed.
Reputable breeders generally show their Pugs in dog shows, and they are interested in winning the shows by producing better dogs. Because they’re interested in winning shows and improving the breed more than making money, they want to produce the best looking dog possible. Their stated goal is to improve the breed by selecting high quality dogs to breed. They also want to build a reputation in the dog show community for producing high quality dogs. Part of the way they improve their “line” is to work with other breeders, selectively choosing the dogs they wish to breed. If their “line” develops genetic problems, the other breeders won’t want to work with them. Nobody wants their line to develop problems.
Their picky nature benefits you. Many times, they produce more dogs than they wish to show. When this happens, they pick the best looking ones for themselves, and sell the others as ‘pets.’ Most of the time, the dogs sold as pets could easily be considered “show dogs,” but the breeder has chosen to show only one. Other times, a dog might be sold as a pet because he has a teeny-tiny problem that nobody will ever notice except the judges. For example, the puppy’s legs might be a little bit too short, or her body might be a little bit too long. She might have a splotch of white fur on her paw, while the breeders and judges want a solid color coat. Dog show standards can be very strict, and even the slightest fault can cause a dog to be ill suited for showing, but absolutely perfect for being a pet. Therefore, getting a dog as a “pet” from a “show” breeder is the best way to be sure to get a higher quality pug puppy. For more about the pug dog standard, see the Pug Dog Club of America’s Standards Page.
How to find a good pug puppy breeder?
First, you should try to find a member of the Pug Dog Club of America in your area. The PDCA has a breeder referral list. If there is not a member of the PDCA in your area, the breeder should at least be a member of the AKC. Second, your breeder should show pugs competitively in dog shows, for the reasons listed above and because breeders who show dogs will, through competition, improve their line.
What should I expect from a breeder?
- You should be allowed to have your puppy examined by a vet.
- You should be given instructions for care.
- You should receive medical records.
- Your breeder should be willing to accept the pug back should you be unable to care for the dog or should the dog have serious medical problems.
- Your breeder should ask YOU questions. Do not be offended. Your breeder wants her puppies to go to a good home. She knows she is a good breeder, but she doesn’t know about you. Expect a lot of questions about your ability to take care of your puppy. If you are not asked questions, consider this a sign that the breeder is more interested in money than breeding quality dogs.
- You should be allowed to visit the dogs free of charge. It is inappropriate to require a deposit in order to visit with the puppies. Breeders who do this are attempting to “hook” you into a purchase, sight-unseen. This is unethical.
- Your breeder’s premises should be clean.
- Your breeder should be willing to provide references.
- Your breeder should provide legal documentation for the sale.
- Your breeder should provide AKC registration papers and a copy of your pug’s pedigree.
- Your breeder should require you to spay or neuter your dog. The Pug Dog Club of America’s code of ethics requires that pugs sold as “pets” be sold on the condition that the dog be spayed or neutered.
- Your breeder should not sell pug hybrids. While Puggles, Brugs, and Pugapoos are certainly cute, you are more likely to get a higher quality dog from a breeder that does not engage in such practices, as reputable breeders are dedicated to improving the breed. Puggles, Brugs, and Pugapoos are not a breed. Creating a new breed takes decades of work. Without that work, mixing breeds can create all kinds of problems. You don’t know what you’re getting. If your breeder creates hybrid pugs, this is an indication that he is interested more in money than producing a high quality dog.
Please feel free to ask questions in the comments.
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March 26, 2008 at 8:54 pm · Show more about: birthday, lexy, Pug
Today, Lexy is six years old! Happy birthday, Lexy.
This picture is of Lexy sitting in the swing my parents got for Martine when she’s over at their house. She was pawing on it to figure out what exactly it was the other day, and my mom put her in there and took this picture.
Lexy’s still adjusting to Martine, as she doesn’t get to see her that often, and my parents don’t see Martine every day, so they pay a little bit more attention to her, of course. So, lexy’s just not used to sharing the stage, just yet. She’ll get there.
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March 23, 2008 at 1:38 am · Show more about: bunny, easter, Pug
Pugs in bunny ears herald in the arrival of Spring!
It took a while, but we finally got pictures with Gadget AND the little stuffed bunny, because he just kept attacking it! Normally, Gadget doesn’t like to play with toys, but for some reason, sometimes when a toy looks like a little tiny animal, he’ll play with it. That’s exactly what he did this afternoon when we took the pictures in the front yard.
I hesitate to think what all the cars driving by thought when they saw me taking pictures of my dog in a bunny outfit while my daughter and wife watched…
Anyway, Gadget made an appearance as the easter pug last year, but this year is totally cuter. I’m not sure what we will do next year, but I’m sure it will involve pugs and toddlers dressed like bunnies. I actually put the bunny ears on Martine, and she really gives Gadget a run for his money cuteness-wise. If I can get things together next year, there’s going to be some real cute overload going on.
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March 22, 2008 at 12:28 am · Show more about: gadget, green, martine
For St. Patrick’s day, we had Martine wearing green. However, green does not signal “girl,” and she doesn’t have long hair or anything else to identify her as a little girl, so we put a little green headband bow on her. You know, “bow” means “girl.” That’s about the best we can do at this age without putting on a dress, which isn’t really your everyday practical wear as an infant. So, “bow” it was.
Anyway, this is the headband you see on Gadget. You see, Gadget is very cute, and putting cute things on him amplifies his natural cuteness. It’s just so to resist doing it. He usually doesn’t mind, although I suppose I could be persuaded to give him extra treats for putting up with letting me put stuff on him. (Don’t tell him that, though!)
Anyway, I’m finishing up my spring break now, although it’s more like a spring “catch up” than a “break.” Also, we will be going over to my parents’ house for Easter, so Gizmo and Gadget will get to hang out with Lexy. Speaking of Lexy, she simultaneously adores and is jealous of Martine. Lexy’s used to getting ALL the attention, and when Martine is there, my mother pays a little bit less attention to Lexy. She’s not quite as adjusted to Martine as Gizmo and Gadget are, so given a little time, she’ll adjust.
Oh, one more thing. I picked up a few Easter things for Urban Pug today, and we’re planning on another visit from the Easter Pug!!! I can’t wait!
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March 17, 2008 at 11:49 pm · Show more about: chin, martine, Pug
Martine’s been around for 6 weeks now, and it’s hard to tell exactly how the boys really feel about her. For sure, they aren’t hostile. However, they definitely get a little bit less attention. This has caused them to, ahem, act out. Acting out, for them, involves peeing on things when we’re not looking. They’re very passive aggressive dogs, they are. As a result, I’ve been breaking out the mop more often.
Back to what they think. Here’s what I see. Gadget, when he gets close enough, will lick Martine just like he’d lick me. He sees her as another little creature. He doesn’t consider himself anything close to the alpha dog, so in his mind she’s either on his level or above, so no big deal. Gizmo, on the other hand, sees himself as one pack-step higher than Gadget. Also, Gizmo doesn’t really show all that much excitement or affection. He snuggles, he gets excited when you get home, but that’s it. He can’t really get excited and run up to Martine when we get home, because she’s still in a car seat. So, I don’t really know where Gizmo stands, except for the fact that he has snuggled up with her.
He even used her as a chin rest, something he does as often as he can to the rest of his humans.
That’s what the picture above is of — Gizmo using Martine as a chin rest
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March 9, 2008 at 9:56 pm · Show more about: Pug
This weekend, Tricia’s parents came in town. That in itself is enough to cause lots of not-ordinarily-scheduled activities to happen around the house. However, they came in town for Martine’s baptism. So, adding getting THAT done on top of having relatives in from out of town is even more of a change in our normal routine.
We’re still working on the whole “parenting” thing, so adding in getting dressed up in a fancy christening gown and going to a party afterwards throws lots of extra stress into the weekend. However, everything worked out well. Good ceremony (she was good), good party afterwards (she was good for the most party).
I don’t really have any pug related baptism photos, but I do have a new one of G&G with their sister. Enjoy!
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March 7, 2008 at 2:23 pm · Show more about: Pug, stickers
I’ve just created two new pug stickers. They are of a pug silhouette and a pug silhouette w/ “p is for pug” written on it.
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March 4, 2008 at 2:14 am · Show more about: bassinet, gizmo, martine
We have a bassinet in the bedroom for Martine to sleep in. We have ended up not using it all that much just yet, but we plan to soon. The bassinet is just a small little bed with a mobile and a basket underneath the bed for storage.
Well, the other day I was looking around and I didn’t see Gizmo anywhere. “He was just here,” I thought. I heard some rustling over in the corner of the room, but I didn’t see anything. At first. Upon closer look, I saw that Gizmo had somehow managed to get into this little storage area.
It turns out that this spot is perfect as a pug bed. So perfect, in fact, that it’s now Gizmo has claimed “bottom bunk” with Martine being left to the top bunk. Also perfect (to Gizmo) about this spot is that it’s a secret.
Last night, I got to see Gadget notice for the first time that Gizmo was even *in* there. He walked up to Gizmo, looked confused for a second, walked up to the bassinet and sniffed around, confirming that there was, in fact, a Pug in there. Then, he walked around, looking for a way to get in, but the baby swing is in the way, and he just didn’t figure out that he would have to walk around the baby swing in order so jump in.
So, for now, the bottom bunk is Gizmo’s sole domain. I think he likes it that way. Since the initial visit, he’s gone back in there, and every time he just gets comfortable and just looks like he’s in heaven in his “little spot.”
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March 3, 2008 at 12:15 am · Show more about: gizmo, martine
We’re continuing to adjust to living with a newborn, and so are Gizmo and Gadget. Recently, Martine has been especially fussy, and whenever she cries a whole lot, Gizmo and Gadget take cover. Gadget, especially will run and hide under our bed when she cries! He only does that when he’s sick or scared. I don’t want him to feel that way, but it is kinda cute in a certain way to see him hiding from a crying baby… Hmm.. Gizmo doesn’t call Gadget a cowardly lion for nothing!
Also, Jin from FunnyFur wanted me to let you know about Buddy Belts, which are great harnesses, especially for pugs. They are especially good at protecting dog necks. So please do check them out, and if you decide to buy one, you can use the promo code “urbanpug10” for 10 percent off.
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February 16, 2008 at 10:42 pm · Show more about: dog food, tripe, tripett
Several weeks ago, Tricia’s Dad sent us a case of the dog food he’s been feeding his Pugs. Since then, we’ve tried it out with Gizmo and Gadget to success. The food is from a company called Tripett, and it’s rather unusual as far as dog foods go. Usually, you hear about dog food containing chicken, lamb, beef, rice, and the like. However, the premise behind Tripett is that it’s made primarily from tripe.
“What is tripe?” you ask. It’s cow stomach. And to make it a little bit more gross, Tripett uses Green Tripe (green just means that the tripe is pure and unbleached) and they include the contents of the stomach. It’s just like the tripe you’d see in the grocery store (tripe is used to make the Mexican soup, Menudo) except it hasn’t been bleached or processed.Yes, it’s kinda disgusting when you think about it. However, there’s a reason for using it as dog food — dogs love it and it is very nutritional. The stomach and partially digested grass are rich in digestive enymes, gastric juices, amino acids, and essential fatty acids — all things which are very important. What’s more is that dogs are natural hunters (although I have trouble seeing either Gizmo or Gadget on a hunt!) and as hunters, have a natural instinct to eat that part of their prey because it is so nutritional. Therefore, they go bonkers for the stuff.
Because of this, Tripett is great for dogs who are picky eaters. From our perspective, Gizmo and Gadget both really, really like it and we have not had any diarrhea or vomiting with this food. Tripett is extremely gentle on Gizmo’s sensitive stomach.
Ok, so what are the downsides? There are two. First, the food smells kinda funny. This probably has something to do with the fact that it hasn’t been processed and it’s only been minimally cooked. The only cooking they do is in the canning process to prevent spoilage. We heard it smelled funny, so we were expecting “bad” — but, it wasn’t as bad as we thought it would be. It’s by no means “pleasant” in the sense of “pine forest fresh,” but it’s not vile, either. The second downside is the price. It’s a tad expensive. However, this is limited by the fact that Tripett is not meant to be the only source of your dog’s food. It’s meant to be a supplement. We mix a few tablespoons in with each dog’s dry food, making the dry food much more appetizing to them. So, if you look at Tripett more as a supplement for good health rather than a dog food, it’s reasonably priced.
What are the positives? Well, I’ll tell you. We have had a hard time finding food that is both good for the boys, is good tasting, and doesn’t irritate Gizmo’s stomach and doesn’t give either one of them diarrhea. That alone is enough for me. However, we are also seeing other benefits. After eating Tripett for two months, G&G’s coats look really good. I can’t pinpoint exactly what it is, but they’re just prettier, somehow, and they shed less.
Yes, they shed less. Don’t get me wrong, they’re still monsters of shedding, but it’s one of those things where you realize you’re cleaning up slightly less hair than you used to.
Tripett sells a few different varieties of their product.
Gizmo and Gadget have been eating the Advanced Skin & Coat Formula, which includes omega 3 and 6, and is 100% pure meat, no fillers and no preservatives or artificial ingredients. They love it, and from all I can tell, it’s done a good job with their coat.
Tricia’s Dad has also told us that the food is good for their joints, which will help keep them feeling good and being more active for longer, which is a definite plus in my book.
Finally, I’d like to say that while the idea of shipping dog food might seem a little bit ridiculous, especially because big cans of dog food are heavy, Amazon really does have a good price on the food. The price makes up for the fact that you’re paying for shipping. Also, if you order larger quantities, the shipping cost comes down relative to the price of the food itself, making it not so bad. And, if you just want to “test it out,” they sell small 5.5 oz cans for under 2 dollars, so you can try it out without spending too much money.
Have you tried Tripett? Or, have you found another really good alternative dog food? Please, let everyone know and leave a comment!
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February 12, 2008 at 1:14 am · Show more about: gadget, gizmo, lick, martine, sofa
Here’s a picture I took the other day of Gizmo watching over Martine. I had her in her car seat / stroller, sitting right next to the sofa where Gizmo likes to sit when we let him. (though we do try to keep them off the sofas in the front of the house as that’s where visitors will sit)
Gizmo hopped up there and it looked as though he was watching over Martine. I’m not sure whether to think “protective” lookout or more like… “royalty looking over his subjects.” Somehow I think it’s more the latter.
Anyway, one more interesting thing. The Pugs go from being entirely indifferent to the baby to being intensely curious. Today, Tricia was in bed, and Martine was in her car seat / stroller right next to the bed. Now, Gadget’s usually laid back except under certain circumstances, he will just get really happy or excited and roll around and play for a few minutes, then go back to normal. Well, tonight that happened, except I think something inside his noggin “clicked” and he realized what exactly this little thing was, because he just wanted nothing else but to look at her.
He climbed through the covers and over Tricia to try to reach where Martine was sitting, and once he got there, he just wanted to lick her head. I mean, there’s nothing wrong with a lick or two, but this is Gadget we’re talking about, he’s a licking machine and she was sleepy. So, we had to keep him back a little bit, but he just had this HUGELY happy expression on his face, and he wanted nothing else but to watch her!
None of his behavior was at ALL aggressive, he was just happy as could be. It’s as if just then he realized, “wait a second, this is a new PERSON!!!! I LOVE PEOPLE!!!!”
And yes, he loves people (when he’s not too shy to show it).
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February 10, 2008 at 4:15 am · Show more about: gadget, martine, play, Pug
One of the baby things recommended to us was a product from a company called Tiny Love called the Gymini. Martine’s a bit too young for it right now, but we decided to put her down on it and see what she would do.
She liked the music, but didn’t really understand how to play with any of the rest of it. However, Gadget was just fascinated with watching her wiggle around, and seeing him creep up to the edge of the mat and just peek at her was just too cute of a photo opportunity to pass up.
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February 8, 2008 at 10:39 pm · Show more about: gizmo, martine
I know what you’re thinking: “Oh no, Urban Pug has become Urban Baby w/ Pug Accessories!”
Come on! Babies are cute! Pugs are Cute! And, you can’t forget that the Fourth Rule of Cuteness is “More than one species of baby flopping around is cute.” The cuteness is multiplicative, not additive.
I promise to get back to talking more “pug” when things get settled down, but right now, the photo opportunities are endless and the results are very cute. I’ve got a series of pug + baby posts lined up, and well … maybe the theme will be out of my system, by then.
Or, maybe not?
P.S., the picture is of Gizmo and Martine lying on their backs on our bed, and I’m standing on the bed, pointing the camera down.
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